Quote Cruncher="Cruncher"
For what it's worth, I think you'll find that most fans recognise the difference between our team now and the team of 15 years ago. I think you'll also find that most fans - except apparently you - recognise the many reasons for our once-in-a-lifetime dominance of the late 80s early 90s,......'"
Careful! It has been a mantra of all and sundry to say we only dominated back then because we were the only full time team when in fact we only went full time in the 91/92 season.
I happen to think we dominated for far more positive reasons than the cliché of we only bought our success.
For example I think the club back then did many things off the pitch better than it does now e.g. compare how the club handled Tuigamala's lack of fitness compared to Feka's.
Radlinski's book is out soon and someone over on Mike's site has been proof reading it and they have mentioned he goes on about how the clubs ethos changed for the worse over the years he was there. I shall definitely be buying a copy!
I think we need to sort these sorts of things out and if we did then we would be far better than we are with the current set of players never mind in 2010 or later.
[uThere is a tendency from some of our own fans to belittle our achievements back then as a way to defend where we are now.[/u Not accusing you of this at all but I reckon I have seen people do so on occasion (probably unknowingly).