
Reindeer race night 2018
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Author:  H.G.S.A [ Thu Oct 18, 2018 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Reindeer race night 2018

The 2018 reindeer race night is approaching and as usual we are on the lookout for race sponsors, reindeer owners, and of course, race-goers!
So what does it entail?
race sponsors- You sponsor a race, by donating a prize(s) which are awarded to the winning reindeer owner of each race, there are 6 races to sponsor.

reindeer owners- You "buy" a reindeer for £3, you name that reindeer and that reindeer is then registered for one of the 6 main races, should your reindeer win the race,
you take home the prize allocated to the race your reindeer is allocated

race goers- simple, you buy a ticket for £5, and attend the race night on 14th December at Turnbridge WMC, you are encouraged to bet on the outcome of all races, tickets include pie and peas supper!

More details will be on the event page (https://www.facebook.com/events/495074067674468/) but please share this around and let's get the sponsors and owners filled and tickets sold!

To buy tickets, own reindeer, sponsor races or to donate prizes etc or any queries, contact publicity@giantssupporters.co.uk, or send us a message on our page or see any committee member in person.

Thanks for your support
The 2018 reindeer race night is approaching and as usual we are on the lookout for race sponsors, reindeer owners, and of course, race-goers!
So what does it entail?
race sponsors- You sponsor a race, by donating a prize(s) which are awarded to the winning reindeer owner of each race, there are 6 races to sponsor.

reindeer owners- You "buy" a reindeer for £3, you name that reindeer and that reindeer is then registered for one of the 6 main races, should your reindeer win the race,
you take home the prize allocated to the race your reindeer is allocated

race goers- simple, you buy a ticket for £5, and attend the race night on 14th December at Turnbridge WMC, you are encouraged to bet on the outcome of all races, tickets include pie and peas supper!

More details will be on the event page (https://www.facebook.com/events/495074067674468/) but please share this around and let's get the sponsors and owners filled and tickets sold!

To buy tickets, own reindeer, sponsor races or to donate prizes etc or any queries, contact publicity@giantssupporters.co.uk, or send us a message on our page or see any committee member in person.

Thanks for your support

Author:  H.G.S.A [ Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Reindeer race night 2018

Bumping this as tickets are limited so get yours bought and bring the whole family for a fun night, as always all our proceeds go to the Giants Academy so come along and help us raise as much we can!


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