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Author:  Durham Giant [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  Ganson

i need to watch it back on Sky but to me he seemed to get most calls right.

Virtually every penalty he gave seemed right apart from the binning of Robbo that seemed really innocuous which i thought was ludicrously harsh.

Did he put Gilmour on report for a professional foul as well as bin him and give a penalty. Again that seems over the top.

My issue was the inconsistency as the Bulls committed as many offences but did not get penalised as much. Some of their holding down in the second half was as bad as things we were penalised for. The classic was Andy raleigh being held down so long that when he got up he looked like he was gonna pass the ball to Hodgson for a penalty then looked at ganson and thought how the hell did i not get a penalty there ref

Author:  JONNYGIANT [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ganson

Durham Giant wrote:i need to watch it back on Sky but to me he seemed to get most calls right.

Virtually every penalty he gave seemed right apart from the binning of Robbo that seemed really innocuous which i thought was ludicrously harsh.

Did he put Gilmour on report for a professional foul as well as bin him and give a penalty. Again that seems over the top.

My issue was the inconsistency as the Bulls committed as many offences but did not get penalised as much. Some of their holding down in the second half was as bad as things we were penalised for. The classic was Andy raleigh being held down so long that when he got up he looked like he was gonna pass the ball to Hodgson for a penalty then looked at ganson and thought how the hell did i not get a penalty there ref

He shows no consistency though,why did he ping Fartown for holding down so many times and not the Bulls,there was no difference in what the Bulls were doing to what the Giants were doing.Last season away to the Bulls and Cas he was just the same.

Author:  mrs cindy russell [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ganson

Durham Giant wrote:i need to watch it back on Sky but to me he seemed to get most calls right.

Virtually every penalty he gave seemed right apart from the binning of Robbo that seemed really innocuous which i thought was ludicrously harsh.

Did he put Gilmour on report for a professional foul as well as bin him and give a penalty. Again that seems over the top.

My issue was the inconsistency as the Bulls committed as many offences but did not get penalised as much. Some of their holding down in the second half was as bad as things we were penalised for. The classic was Andy raleigh being held down so long that when he got up he looked like he was gonna pass the ball to Hodgson for a penalty then looked at ganson and thought how the hell did i not get a penalty there ref

You must watch it again on Sky -without your Fartown specs please. Bradford only started to layon a piece, after they'd sussed that Hudds were getting away with it so they may as well join the party. I hope to goodness that the officials that come across to the KC next week, stick to the RULES of the game. See Stevo has got his wish to move the RFL over to Hudds -he's been pushing for it long enough. See he's also giving us a laugh, with his new knashers, along of course, with Eddies wig. Like John Kear we all curled up with laughing............grannyfan Cindy :ROCKS:

Author:  TRUEGIANT [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ganson

Think Mr Ganson has a huge problem with pocket rocket robbo - he is constantly sending him off - perhaps mr ganson wants to be the smallest man on the field lol - needs to loose weight to be an athlete though, sorry steve.lol

Author:  Durham Giant [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ganson

I have not been able to find a review of the game with the penalty count in it.

Anyone know what Brown said in his press conference i heard he was less than complimentary about the officiating

Author:  Code13 [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ganson

I agree, his calls were all for the most part right.

Just only applied to one team it seemed. The Bulls were as bad from the start with laying on.

Author:  Wadski [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ganson

Durham Giant wrote:I have not been able to find a review of the game with the penalty count in it.

Anyone know what Brown said in his press conference i heard he was less than complimentary about the officiating

It was on the Sky red Button show.

Author:  Matt01 [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ganson

He seemed super strict on the holding down in the first half then ignored it in the second other than sin binning Robbo.

It would be nice if refs could actually act like humans and say what they thought of their own performance and what they plan to improve on, just like coaches and players do.

They are full time and just like players and coaches they should be accountable. Fans are the life blood of the professional sport and I believe as refs get analysed every game they should make this analysis more transparent.

Author:  Raaaaymond [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ganson

Looked as tho we were caned in the penalty dept. Maybe Mr Ganson was correct in his decisions or maybe just his interpretations of our play that another ref would have let pass but pulled us up on other bits of play. If we were guilty of all the offences he saw (and some looked dodgy from were I was sat) then we need to cut it out because otherwise we looked really good.

The one thing that did trouble me was the distance we were taken back at the PTB. When your sat high up, side on, you get a great view and to me there was a big difference between Bradford's 10 metres and ours, especially 1st half. Both sides occasionally offside but no pens for that. Consistency is all we ask for.

Author:  Ivor C&G Scarf [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ganson

I can perhaps see that the penalties against us were correct.

However, Bradford laid on in the tackle just as long as us and, on the whole, got away with it.

I would also suggest that they were offside far more than us yet, again, got away with it.

IMHO Mr G's display ranks alongside the worst I have ever seen for being one-sided.

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