
Luke Robinson
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Author:  Sal Paradise [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  Luke Robinson

If he had half a decent game last you would have beat Saints comfortably - he was shocking - does he actually look where he his passing the ball?

Author:  COCKNEY GIANT [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Have to agree but Saints were solid last night. We missed Brown last night.

Author:  RIGSBY [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Luke Robinson

[quote="Serge A. Storms"] you would have beat Saints comfortably

wind up of the day this one.. :lol:

Author:  El Rey [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Luke Robinson

RIGSBY wrote:
Serge A. Storms wrote: you would have beat Saints comfortably

wind up of the day this one.. :lol:

He's been on the Wakey board trying to "wind up" thankfully he's like tissue paper.

Author:  Sal Paradise [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Luke Robinson

BIGAL1 wrote:
RIGSBY wrote:
He's been on the Wakey board trying to "wind up" thankfully he's like tissue paper.

This is not a wind up - if Huddersfield had had a half back that had played anything like the result would have been the same as the SF - sadly the x-factor on that day Kevin Brown wasn't playing. Robinson was unable to control the plays when it really mattered - Saints were pretty poor on the night and were there for the taking - I lost count of the number of errors Robinson made in the middle 20 minutes of the 2nd half when the Giants had Saints on the rack.

Author:  Marsdengiant [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

robinson is a decent half back for the bottom half of SL. If you want to win the biggest games he is out of his depth.

He can't kick , can't pass l to r and cannot control a game. Big heart and nice guy but lacking what it takes.

Looking at the wakey game last nice we could do with someone like a Drew ( playing better) or a Grix :wink:

Author:  SaintsFan [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Luke Robinson

Serge A. Storms wrote:had had a half back that had played anything like the result would have been the same as the SF - sadly the x-factor on that day Kevin Brown wasn't playing. Robinson was unable to control the plays when it really mattered - Saints were pretty poor on the night and were there for the taking - I lost count of the number of errors Robinson made in the middle 20 minutes of the 2nd half when the Giants had Saints on the rack.

I'm very aware of how rubbish Saints have been for a lot of this season, and indeed have readily admitted it. However, on this occasion you are talking total bollox. We defended last night like our lives depended on it. Had we not given our own silly penalties away - something that needs to be addressed - we would have nilled Hudds. The reason for that was our defence, which we used to pin Hudds down, just as they used it against us in the CC semi. Likewise, Hudds defended very well themselves. We were helped with one try in that a forward pass went undetected, but other than that Hudds never stopped their own pressure all night. It was down to who had the best defence and last night, it happened to be us. It would not have mattered who Hudds played, we were up for it last night and we had clearly worked hard on rediscovering the one thing we really can do well when we want to and that is defend.

Author:  Raaaaymond [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Luke Robinson

SaintsFan wrote:I'm very aware of how rubbish Saints have been for a lot of this season, and indeed have readily admitted it. However, on this occasion you are talking total bollox. We defended last night like our lives depended on it. Had we not given our own silly penalties away - something that needs to be addressed - we would have nilled Hudds. The reason for that was our defence, which we used to pin Hudds down, just as they used it against us in the CC semi. Likewise, Hudds defended very well themselves. We were helped with one try in that a forward pass went undetected, but other than that Hudds never stopped their own pressure all night. It was down to who had the best defence and last night, it happened to be us. It would not have mattered who Hudds played, we were up for it last night and we had clearly worked hard on rediscovering the one thing we really can do well when we want to and that is defend.

You're not wrong. It's OK all the TV pundits saying Saints are past it but they have done everything they needed to. Lost a few games that they should really have been expected to win but still finished top two, home game for the play offs and lifted it a level last night. Job done so far and one game from Old Trafford. Well played Saints.

Author:  Code13 [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Robinson was left to do too much running himself last night, odd team selection from our coach too I think didnt help matters.

Hopefully a few more players in contention this Friday

Author:  GIANTSRL [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

agree robinson was terrible, once again a big games and he doesnt perform just like the cup final

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