
is it just me
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Author:  Marsdengiant [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: is it just me

[quote="mutley cat"]no reason why it still can not be IMHO , the biggest shame IMHO is that this is one of the few boards with no camaraderie between opposing fans and probably the only one within the heartlands. I have said this many times to other posters but 'Mutley Cat' does not exist in real life my name is Chris so why argue with a fictional character?

I also must add that ones education as nothing to do with what kind of person they are and if some get frustrated at talking beneath there superior level then maybe they are on the wrong forum to begin with.[/

You are spot on re arguing with 'characters'. I started thread on the banality of wakey signing Winterstein and dozens of wakey posters argued. I do hope noone was banned :D

Must you add it? Are you compelled to do so? However, education will tend to have some influence on the kind of person you are. For example if you are the kind of person that wishes to express a pov coherently it may help.

You seem far more frustrated than me on this issue and are manifesting that inverted snobbery I refered to earlier. Fortunately we do not have to dumb things down here.

Author:  GIANT DAZ [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

talk rugby league FFS

Author:  Marsdengiant [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:08 am ]
Post subject: 

GIANT DAZ wrote:talk rugby league FFS

Start a thread on rugby league FFS

Author:  GIANT DAZ [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:26 am ]
Post subject: 

i did earlier :P

but as usual people wanted to argue and bicker instead

Author:  snowie [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: is it just me

GIANT DAZ wrote:you see - why would they wanna put together an argument ???

why does every topic have to be turned into an argument - he's a wakey fan,take the mick out of him,he will do thesame back and we will have a laugh about it thats how we used to do it

keep it up GD you may get that revolution that's needed on here,
long live the banter and laugh it off after the game :CLAP: :CLAP: :CLAP:

Author:  Crackerjack [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:36 am ]
Post subject: 

c`mon Daz --if the omnipotent one is using two posts in succession -threetimes in a row on the same topic - to ram his undisputable supremacy over lesser beings down yer throat --it hints at a teeny weeny bit of desperation dont yer think!!

but " its within the AUP" ---so nuff said!!

How can you have the blatant nerve to question him???

different name -- but same old ego alas!! :wink:

and, sadly, therein lies yer answer!!

I was told there was but one god!!
gerraway !!

at least 5 on here!!

Author:  Mooseland Giant [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I have been around and about, but unfortunatly a lot of the topics i can't really comment on because I only watch 2 or 3 games a year on TV. Im still around and about though :)

ps - Hoping to get over in the summer for at least one game :)

Author:  muttley cat [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: is it just me

Marsdengiant wrote:
mutley cat wrote:no reason why it still can not be IMHO , the biggest shame IMHO is that this is one of the few boards with no camaraderie between opposing fans and probably the only one within the heartlands. I have said this many times to other posters but 'Mutley Cat' does not exist in real life my name is Chris so why argue with a fictional character?

I also must add that ones education as nothing to do with what kind of person they are and if some get frustrated at talking beneath there superior level then maybe they are on the wrong forum to begin with.[/

You are spot on re arguing with 'characters'. I started thread on the banality of wakey signing Winterstein and dozens of wakey posters argued. I do hope noone was banned :D

Must you add it? Are you compelled to do so? However, education will tend to have some influence on the kind of person you are. For example if you are the kind of person that wishes to express a pov coherently it may help.

You seem far more frustrated than me on this issue and are manifesting that inverted snobbery I refered to earlier. Fortunately we do not have to dumb things down here.

i refer the honorable gentleman to the opening post and suggest here within lies the answer to the question.

BTW you seem more frustrated about the sheep allegations , just an observation.

Author:  Durham Giant [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Quote:code 13 wrote
One positive is that we remain an open and fair place where there is a clear structure for any issues to be raised and dealt with, and compared with other sub forums we are by far the most lenient and always have been.

But is that a good thing :?: if it allows a lot of posters to be driven away from using the board and most importantly Huddersfield Giants posters.

I know very few people who post on these boards and have no relationship with any of them. when i come on here and other Giants sites it is because i have something in common with them and that is a love of RL and Huddersfield Giants.

i use it to find out information, share it or discuss what is happening with MY club. No matter what i think of our fans or other posters i try to not let it affect how i respond. because at the end of the day for 80 minutes a week no matter what i think of some Giants fans they are ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS.

i view it like that because the aim of the board quite simply is to provide a forum for people who support and want to support the Giants. Anything that is done that drives people away from that undermines this board and undermines the Giants.

when i look around the board now i wonder where the young people are, where are the female posters ( i know of one), where are the new fans. The lack of these groups should be a cause of concern for this site.

If i want an arguement or to play clever word games or show how clever i am i can do that on the sin bin. Doing that on here is not neccerssary and is counter productive. Should the mods allow a few posters to drive away many others just in the name of liberalism. :?:

Author:  Code13 [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I think its a damn site better than "you can post on here because I dont like you" that has happend elsewhere.

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