Wadski wrote:Gimme a P
Gimme an E
Gimme a D
Gimme an A
Gimme a N
Gimme a T
Gimme an I
Gimme a C
what have you got?
The tips of the Arch, known as `pencil ends`, are 18 million times heavier than a pencil.
The amount of paint neede to coat the Arch is enough to cover the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel more than 19 times.
The apex of the Arch is fitted with a special beacon acting as a warning to low flying planes. Wembley is the only stadium in the world to have such a beacon.
The new Wembley has a circumference of 1km.
The new Wembley encloses 4,000,000 cubic metres inside its walls and under its roof.This is the equivelant 25,000 double decker buses or 7 billion pints of milk.
I mean, if gonna start giving facts out to people, at least make them quirky. Wembley has red seats???