Rictoria Catpiss wrote:Mard booty comments like these may encourage me to change my mind.
It's comments like this which give moderators a bad name in my view. Moderation is supposed to be an objective process based on content and rules not subjective based on mood, antipathy, favoritism or time of the month. I often see threads removed or locked because it seems either the poster's face or topic doesnt fit, yet I scour the AUP and wonder why.
I fully understand the need to moderate thread content which contains bad language or potentially litigious views, but I would rather the "market" decide which threads should stay or go. Afterall, there are four moderators and hundreds of active posters whom make this forum a forum afterall.
In relation to the bet threads, there is enough guff on here and abosolute meaningless posting, of which the aforequoted is not impervious to critique, such that one thread on betting would not seem excessive.