eddie gordo wrote:Clever guy and superb self-publicist. He's even got 9 pages on an RL Forum talking about this poop.
Lock it......................
This thread has had more interesting, intelligent debate on it than half the RL-related threads on here.
TheDoc wrote:Then you stick with what you believe and I will stick with the truth
Rob Wire wrote:The trick/illusion relied on knowing the result before hand and thats all it was, a trick/illusion. Its got a split screen written all over it, working on it for a year lol ...... Any good video editer could come up with the same result in a few days with the right set and equipment.
Peckerwood wrote:Just to quash one theory out of extinction. Some people think that the fact the camera was shaking is a sign the whole thing was faked etc. I defy anyone to film a piece of footage hand held (like the cameraman was as we saw on Wednesday) and not make the video shake. Its almost impossible for anyone to hold a piece of equipment like that and there not be some sort of movement. If you don't believe me, look at when Bill Arthur is interviewing a coach or man of the match at the end of a Sky game and you will see the same thing occur.
I completely agree with Peckerwood. The fact that the camera was shaking ever so slightly throughout proves it could not have been a split screen. If it had been a split screen there would have been movement variations along the bottom and top of the screen and along the 'split'. Anyone who can't logically understand that needs their head testing.