Quote ="Latchford Wolvesfan"Welcome to the forum, ill give you a few tips and point you in the right direction.
1. Don't disagree with or upset Monkeyman, Cocky Wire (RAI of Sunshine) or JWP, if you do however upset one of these people expect to be insulted on every given chance for the rest of your RLFans career, these 3 pretty much walk on water and are immune from disciplinary action, word of warning they will antagonise and push you to your limits but please don't snap because you will get a ban, they also like to put spins on your post's which is also a tactic of there's.
2. Ian77, Wires74, Bobby Peru, Rob Wire, Yed and Wires71 give valid and honest opinions both for and against, if you want a debate about Rugby League without the insults and back-biting then these are the men to see.
3. You will often here the names of Cullens Pants and Padgate Wire who were the best posters on this forum, unfortunately they have both been banned due to upsetting those named in number 1.
Happy posting.'"
Personal insults are not my forte. I do take exception to, and feel compelled to, correct lies and fabrication.
How can I personally insult you when I don't know you personally?