Wire On The Telly wrote:1. Casual des?
2. Cider Ray?
3. dessie the postman?
5. Pete the plumber?
6. Bob the butcher?
7. Casual ste
8. Casual joe? ....?
You have got a few squad memners but I prefer to player hooker myself!
1 Ray Cider Pennington
2 James 'Sky High Meat Pie' McKay
3 Top Tasty Man
4 Greengrass
5 Wayne Johno Johnson
6 Sherlock
7 Billy 'The Leader' Bradshaw
8 Army Man Mark - ex Halifax prop
9 Casual Des/Ste
10 The Bear
11 Boris
12 The Singing Postman
13 Pacemaker Man
14 Kev 'Cosworth' Cawley
15 Armani Man
16 Brinksmatt Bullion
17 Free Spot - Any takers?