Sandal Wild Cat wrote:Form an Independent supporters association, get "The Shed" signed up, so alienating the idiots that every club carries, that way you have a positive a responsible voice to the club. WISCA (Wakefield Independent Supporters Association) was one of the best things to come out of our dark days, with subscriptions they can also contribute to bring players into the squad by supporting their wages.
Ryan Atkins is proof it works!
If you have grievances with your club thats ok its how you focus them that often determines if you get the changes you want! Without you the club wouldn't exist, they need you as much as you obviously need them, as i need my club too.
We already have one Forever Reds, unfortunately there is a lot of apathy in Salford full stop not only at the club, we have about 130 members and sponsor Jordan Turner, but hes off at the end of the season. We do need more members but getting them in is very hard work, we also help with players testimonials.