The Glorious League Freak wrote:You have to be careful with supposed press released or news about the Russian game. Most of the time its written by overly excited teenagers in Sydney.
I used to talk to a bloke that worked with the RRL, an actual Russian (Not an Aussie, not a Russian born Aussie, a real life Russian!) and they have some big problems there.
If the game keep going there is will be because of luck rather than good management.
Agreed LF, I prefer to get out and watch these sides in the CC, rather than like you say, taking the word of exitible internet MB users.
its the only way you can see for yourself how the game is progressing (or not)in certain countrys.
Russia are poor, the national side is poor and Loko were laugable at the weekned, however I think with outside coaching from even the most mediocre English/Aussie coach and a few experienced players in the Loko side they could improve out of sight