Dico wrote:That's the main plus of the idea for me, keep it flowing.
Not only that but i reckon the 40m a team gains is too much sometimes for petty offences.
On a slightly different note how do you think it would affect scores? Because sometimes you can 'clear your line' with a penalty. Would the better teams benefit far too much from a rule change like this? or would it make no difference?
That's an interesting point. On many occasions a penalty for offside, particularly for a team under pressure from an over ethusiastic defence possibly chasing the game, is a real "get out of jail" card for them.
Whilst there would be no real territorial advantage gained, there would be six more tackles given to the team with the ball for them to use. A lot would depend on whether the defence was fit enough to maintain the intensity in their defence for these extra six tackles.
The well drilled, defensively solid and fit sides would benefit from this rule but surely that's how it should be anyway?