paulwalker71 wrote:The Rimmer part of it is word-for-word from an interview that Mick posted on Bulls Banter earlier. So that part is certainly what Rimmer said.
The Council bit - well, who knows? It all sounds very much like what a lot of people have been saying for years. Sounds sensible but I can’t see City going along with it.
I see that Mick wrote the piece so maybe he’ll be along soon to explain about his council ‘source’
I’ll post the full interview on Soundcloud tomorrow.
There’s a lot happening in the background at present with the Bulls needing to return to the city of Bradford and the Valley Parade lease up for renewal this decade.
For those asking about the other way, I’ve spoken to someone who was involved in the consultation process of exploring the viability of the Bulls moving to Valley Parade last year and they confirmed you’d get little change out of £1.5M for a new playing surface and major reconfiguration of the Kop - front seven rows removed for Health and Safety legislation regarding perimeter clearance.