Johnbulls wrote:Happy New Year to all on here.We dont always agree but I think 99%of folk on here are pretty fair minded and deep down just want the best for the club.One or two individuals try to derail the forum but over a period of time there usually put to bed and we all move on.All the best for 2020.
Re 'de-railing'. John, it is in fact the club's owners who have for the past 3 years, and also during the past 3 months, sadly managed to derail our great club. They, in reality, need no help from others to continue doing so.
Two examples thereof:
a) Have you read Sawyer's article in today's T&A ? Parts of it are untrue. The nesteggers are in contact with a number of creditors who have to date not been paid a penny, despite being promised a first part re-payment by the club of their debts by on or before the end of November 2019. It did not happen. Why not?, and
b) Did you read the drivel and usual smoke and mirrors written in last weekend's T&A by Eric Perez, most likely with input from Nigel Wood? That said, a proportion of last weekend's article is a mirror of well known words used by Shakespeare in Hamlet, which in this context can be paraphrased as follows - "
The club doth protest too much, methinks".
Not that most care on here, but the nesteggers are most certainly still around, They are, however, far too busy to post on the forum as they are, as they said they would be, busy putting the wheels fully in motion in order to once and for all get things sorted. Good things can take time to finalise.
As for the scandal re the misappropriated funds, the nesteggers tell us that it can presently be said that this particular Bulls' related public embarrassment is not a myth. It very much remains a key issue of concern, but it willl still be a while before the facts are released. That is because the matter is rightfully in the hands of certain 'authorities' etc. who as everyone knows tend to move at a snail's pace. That said, things should eventually be put right.
Anyhow, may we wish a very Happy New Year to the Bulls' fans (including our wise moderator, Pumpetypump), who are now definitely in the majority, and who all recognise that something fundamental has got to change, and modified for the better, in respect of the Bulls, as well as the RFL, hopefully sooner rather than later. The nesteggers and the Council are confident things have to improve regarding both the Bulls and the RFL. That said, it is felt by many fans that things will not sustainably or meaningfully improve, whilst ever first Wood and his bookie mate, or similar alleged deceptive persons/ bad uns, and second purportedly Rimmer et al, stay at the Bulls', and at the RFL's, helm.
With regard to the Bulls in particular, it is without doubt presently the belief of the majority of Bulls' fans, again including a number on this (formerly busy) sub-forum, that alleged predominantly bad uns are to all intents and purposes currently at our club's helm. What is also apparent is that one person, an ex-RFL top nob, has principally been pulling all of, or most of, the Bulls' strings, and/or purse strings, continually for the past 8 years. You know who he is.