Quote bobsmyuncle="bobsmyuncle"Hi Adey, welcome back I've missed your voice of reason.
Your comment above is valid showing a singular lack by the club in engaging with fans in general, but moreso in blindly ignoring the potential of passionate fans that are qualified to give a commercial input to the club's administration/promotion for FREE.
Do they really think that all their target market (fans) are dumbos not to be trusted? Do they not realise the lengths that some fans woud go to in offering their various skillsets in assisting the club?
If you were not successful with your strenuous attempts to engage them with BISA is anything to go by there is little hope they will respond any better now. But we live in some hope that they do.'"
Thanks for that, although in fairness I can be as unreasonable as the next man where I believe injustice is being perpetrated!
Also in fairness, it wasn't so much that the club would not engage with BISA, as much as most of the fans wouldn't - but nor would the latter put forward a viable alternative for engaging with the club. Its easy to complain, but a little less so to do something to make a difference.
The other problem when you ARE able to engage with the club is that you become aware of facts of life that maybe too many supporters would prefer to pretend do not exist. Its the same problem that faces responsible shop stewards.
But yes, I'm sure there are quite a few dedicated supporters who could provide significant leverage to the efforts of the Club's limited personnel - across a range of disciplines. ME, for example, would be nailed-on to help SD with club PR...

It would have to be within an agreed framework, of course, and with appropriate limitations.
I suspect that one or two of the club directors (and I am not referring to the Chairman) would view allowing this as utter heresy - maybe also ones who help give Red the understandable impression that "At times I do get the feeling that the fans are necessary evil if they could get away with out us they would".
I've heard it said that one or two directors have referred to the fans as "fickle" - and whilst there is undeniable truth in that (as we have seen demonstrated on here) I really think the club needs to find some more effective way of engaging with the generality of the supporters - and especially with the more dedicated ones - than is currently the case.
And if that smacks of apostasy from me, well its only because, like most of the people who post on here, I care and I want to see this club back where it belongs.