mystic eddie wrote:On the contrary, I would be very interested. However, if you think I really would lose any sleep over what the assumed suspects have to say then you are very much mistaken.
"Assumed suspects"? Don't flatter yourself. In fact, I am referring to people who either rarely post on here now (you and Asim and the Negative Tendency generally being the principal reason) or who are mere readers and don't ever post.
One of those people - who sits very near to me - has indicated he would have serious difficulty resisting the urge to deck you if he ever met you. Most of the others, whilst angry with your attitude, just think its sad how someone can let their obsession with being the big man and always right turn them into what you appear to have become.
So there you have it. Warts and all.
And having seen your post written while I was writing this...I am more than willing to not jump down your throat every five minutes if you'll at least try and meet half-way.