
Welcome to the greatest game.
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Author:  glee [ Sun Dec 12, 2021 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Welcome to the greatest game.

It looks like I am the first fan to send a message to our new friends from Cornwall and welcome them to the rlfans.com forum. As they will soon discover Rugby League is not only a great game to play and a great game to watch but it is also a great game to read and write about. A good introduction to our literature section may well be my latest novel "Three Good Years". It is set between 2006 and 2008 and has a background of Work, Family Life, Saving the NHS and Rugby League. To purchase a copy or just or see the wide range of books about our sport visit London League Publications at http://www.llpshop.co.uk. Click on Books and then Fiction.
It looks like I am the first fan to send a message to our new friends from Cornwall and welcome them to the rlfans.com forum. As they will soon discover Rugby League is not only a great game to play and a great game to watch but it is also a great game to read and write about. A good introduction to our literature section may well be my latest novel "Three Good Years". It is set between 2006 and 2008 and has a background of Work, Family Life, Saving the NHS and Rugby League. To purchase a copy or just or see the wide range of books about our sport visit London League Publications at http://www.llpshop.co.uk. Click on Books and then Fiction.

Author:  Sandwich Wire [ Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Welcome to the greatest game.

Welcome to the great game we call Rugby League I admire how you are setting up for the future not just now. My father was Cornish and I have inherited his passion for the county and people. Looking forward to watching results and hopefully get to the odd game when visiting my cousin.

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