
Respect for Sts
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Author:  Tony Stark [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:11 am ]
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Great to hear these sorts of comments!

The period after the video when the whole ground remained silent sent shivers down my spine and once again made me proud to be part of this sport's community.

Author:  gateaux [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:38 am ]
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SaintMarshy wrote:The period of silence after the video on the big screen was special, it showed just how much it had affected everyone, even if they didn't know Leon. Must have been at least 5 minutes and could hear a pin drop.
The whole experience was surreal, I know during the week some fans of both clubs mentioned concerned about groups of fans not respecting the silence, I am very pleased by the fact that they had nothing to worry about.

Both sets of fans proved what a fantastic "family" the rugby league community is and how we all come together in times of tragedy. In a way I found the impromptu silence even more moving than the official one but throughout it all I had a team in my eye.

Good luck to all at Wakefield for the rest of the season - you deserve some happiness there now.

Author:  sarahjane [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:45 am ]
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well done to the players and fans of St Helens
you had the task that i guess evet other team is happy not to have
nice to tributes drom St Helens fans on the gate

St Helens players came and did the job
they had to you have to go into every match and give 100%

i hope i never go a game like that again

good luck rest of season

Author:  snowie [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:50 am ]
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I would like to thank all that managed to make it to Belle Vue last night, you was all very respective of the minutes silence, you took the win very gracefully, I wasn't expecting anything else

Author:  Rughead [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:52 am ]
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_nay0r_4_jenny_ wrote:i thought it was great oh just how good wakefields fans were tbh towards saints especially when we entered the pitch, much respect for that, our sport is probably one of the only sports in the world where such events happen imo, were fans can be brought together on events like this

There wouldn't be that much respect in other sports. Good to see the Wakey fans clapping Saints onto the pitch, on whole great respect shown by both teams and sets of fans.

Author:  CHEWIE7 [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:35 am ]
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As a Hull fan......watched on TV........Very touching. Always admired the Saints fans anyway esspecially with the Prekkie link to our club! You could see the Wakey players were gutted at the end of the game.....But they shouldn't have been, a very commendable hearty performance after what must've been an agonising week! (and indeed year :shock: )

Well done all :CLAP:

Author:  saintpen [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  saintpen

it showed how good a community rugby league is the respect that was showed by both sets of fans was surreal. I was there and both sets of fans showed the upmost respect

Author:  Trinity Till Death [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:09 am ]
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A big thanks to all your St's fans who made the trip over. You were a credit to your club and RL in difficult circumstances.

Great to see both sets of fans clapping on both teams and whilst it was surreal atmosphere prior to the match i thought the players did well to put on a decent game.

Good luck for the rest of the season

Author:  REDWHITEANDBLUE [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:15 pm ]
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Its taken me a while to write something about last night.

In almost 50 years of watching the game I have never been priviliged to be part of such an emotional roller coaster.

The pre match tribute to Leon was fantastic so much so that everyone in the ground was stunned into silence.
The silence itself was impecable and whilst I wanted my team to put up a show regardless of the score and after what they have gone through I can say with great pride how proud I was of every player in red white and blue last night.

Saints your fans players and club did you proud last night, the game was very professional and you played very well. Wakefield tried like hell but mentally and emotionally they were drained.

Finally Leons Mum and Dad (and his family) What a fantastic tribute to their son his sport and our club, they can be exetremely proud of Leon and themselves. life is full of tragedies and Leons death is another to add. To all of you that attended the game the game last nights thanks fro your atendance and support its really appreciated and good luck for the remainder of the season.

Author:  Pugwash [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:52 pm ]
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I've watched Rugby League for well over forty years and I've never heard a minutes silence disrespected.

It's not for us the new 'trendy' idea of the minutes applause which is only used to drown out the moronic tendency. Rugby League fans know how to show respect.

The Wakefield club are hurting right now, but they are going to get over this terrible period they have suffered and will come back stronger for the experiences.


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