
docstoc46 27th june for make a wish
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Author:  doc-rhino [ Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  docstoc46 27th june for make a wish

27th JUNE 9 hours of music online from 11 am( as may be first year without a live one since 2003) raising funds for make a wish enact's charity of the year . 15 acts from w.yorks and the world. 11am Whiter Than (woodford halse , northants) 11.35 am Dilwyn Jordan Pritchard (holywell, wales ) 12.10 redcat from germany 12.45 Rebecca Mileham (banbury) 13.20 matt baxter (leeds ) 13.55 giles winterton (w.yorks _) 2.30 little terry (doncaster) 3.05 rory holl (w.yorks) 3.40 clarisce jody from rhondda valley. south wales 4.15 danny malone ( w.yorks) 4.50 jim bower of shatner leeds 5.25 Keeley Victoria Heravi of the mercs ( w.yorks ) 6pm lewis burner (leeds) 6.35 merrymaker project of Dan Sealey
former Ocean Colour Scene Bassist 7.20 cash back from paisley , scotland/usa by ric herrington -- .to watch
https://www.facebook.com/groups/284345259396828 to donate : https://www.facebook.com/donate/2973417076087719 and just giving https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/DOCSTOC46
27th JUNE 9 hours of music online from 11 am( as may be first year without a live one since 2003) raising funds for make a wish enact's charity of the year . 15 acts from w.yorks and the world. 11am Whiter Than (woodford halse , northants) 11.35 am Dilwyn Jordan Pritchard (holywell, wales ) 12.10 redcat from germany 12.45 Rebecca Mileham (banbury) 13.20 matt baxter (leeds ) 13.55 giles winterton (w.yorks _) 2.30 little terry (doncaster) 3.05 rory holl (w.yorks) 3.40 clarisce jody from rhondda valley. south wales 4.15 danny malone ( w.yorks) 4.50 jim bower of shatner leeds 5.25 Keeley Victoria Heravi of the mercs ( w.yorks ) 6pm lewis burner (leeds) 6.35 merrymaker project of Dan Sealey
former Ocean Colour Scene Bassist 7.20 cash back from paisley , scotland/usa by ric herrington -- .to watch
https://www.facebook.com/groups/284345259396828 to donate : https://www.facebook.com/donate/2973417076087719 and just giving https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/DOCSTOC46

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