
Thunderbirds are Go!
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Author:  Leaguefan [ Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Thunderbirds are Go!

Being brought up with the original, this new version was viewed with interest.
Overall I would say it's a decent attempt and follows the original, within the commercial constraints, quite well.
The trouble is that it is too frantic. In the first episode all the machine were used and 4 "rescues" performed with minimal information as to why the perilous situation came about. That allied to the quick resolution was a bit off putting.
Also, and my wife cracked up with this, the launching of the vehicles was fine except Thunderbird 2. all the technology in the world and you have to trapeze and close the hatch manually!.
Well it's aimed at a new generation and it could well be as exciting as the original was to my generation when it first started.
A bit of a curates egg but infinitely better that the last movie.

Author:  Mugwump [ Fri May 15, 2015 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thunderbirds are Go!

I watched the first show and really enjoyed it.

The producers captured the essence of the original and rightly played toward the viewer's fetishistic relationship with technology.

To be honest I liked the remake of Captain Scarlet they made a while back. The computer generated animation was superb. Unfortunately it didn't do well commercially and was pulled.

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