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Author:  piemandan [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Community

Anyone watch this?


It's created by Dan Harmon and even though it's American and on NBC ( :| ) It is actually sublime television. It's all about taking the mick out of every conceivable concept for the development of story lines. 3 Seasons long so far and each one is more ridiculous than the previous. One example of this, is a background story line (literally) taking place over the entire 20 minutes of the episode. It makes you scratch your head sometimes. :mrgreen:

Long seasons, but I ended up totally addicted and finished watching all three in just under a month. :lol:
Anyone watch this?


It's created by Dan Harmon and even though it's American and on NBC ( :| ) It is actually sublime television. It's all about taking the mick out of every conceivable concept for the development of story lines. 3 Seasons long so far and each one is more ridiculous than the previous. One example of this, is a background story line (literally) taking place over the entire 20 minutes of the episode. It makes you scratch your head sometimes. :mrgreen:

Long seasons, but I ended up totally addicted and finished watching all three in just under a month. :lol:

Author:  gulfcoast_highwayman [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Community

I love it. Can't believe they are making us wait for the next season.

Saying that, without Dan Harmon's guiding vision, I do worry slightly about the show' quality.

And, to be incredibly shallow, Alison Brie and Gillian Jacobs are blooming gorgeous.

Author:  piemandan [ Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Community

gulfcoast_highwayman wrote:I love it. Can't believe they are making us wait for the next season.

Saying that, without Dan Harmon's guiding vision, I do worry slightly about the show' quality.

And, to be incredibly shallow, Alison Brie and Gillian Jacobs are blooming gorgeous.

I'm split about watching season 4 to be honest. The same writers are there, but I think without Dan Harmon it can only go downhill. It's unbelievable to think that the creator of the show can be booted unceremoniously - but that's obviously the terms he signed to get his show broadcast.

Out of both Gillian Jacobs and Alison Brie.. I think I'd have to go for - Gillian, by a whisker. :lol:

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