
The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories
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Author:  TheNo36 [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

Muzza leaves, Lance in - what are your thoughts, reflections and overall view on his tenure at the club?

That great win in the Challenge Cup vs Saints in 2000, then the hammering at home from Bradford, then the 13 consecutive wins - seems to be a real mixed bag. Why did it never work out for him here?

Author:  rollin thunder [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

still having nightmares over it.
terrible coach terrible choice, we had a great assistant coach in Damien Mcgrath, who was instrumental in pulling the players out of the mire. when McGrath left (lost forever to union) he did not mix his words about lance and what the players thought of him. he (lance) should have been shown the door after 1 season not two and a half. put the club back 2-3 seasons. i am hoping the sticking with McDermott another season does not prove to be the same.

Author:  Les Norton [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

rollin thunder wrote:still having nightmares over it.
terrible coach terrible choice, we had a great assistant coach in Damien Mcgrath, who was instrumental in pulling the players out of the mire. when McGrath left (lost forever to union) he did not mix his words about lance and what the players thought of him. he (lance) should have been shown the door after 1 season not two and a half. put the club back 2-3 seasons. i am hoping the sticking with McDermott another season does not prove to be the same.

Didn't McGrath go on to become joint head coach of Warrington with David Plange?

The Paul Stering saga! Not played because of the colour of his skin, what he accused Lance of anyway, oblivious to the fact there were black players regularly picked by Lance

Author:  DHM [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

More than anything I was mickey**d off with Murray. He joined on a 4 year contract and bailed halfway through with the job he promised not completed. And Morley went with him.

It seems fine when some Australians want out of a contract but others get a 90 page thread.

Author:  William Eve [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

DHM wrote:It seems fine when some Australians want out of a contract but others get a 90 page thread.


I sincerely hope there's no unconscious racism whatsoever in play WRT the way Segeyaro is being treated differently.

Author:  rollin thunder [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

Les Norton wrote:Didn't McGrath go on to become joint head coach of Warrington with David Plange?

The Paul Stering saga! Not played because of the colour of his skin, what he accused Lance of anyway, oblivious to the fact there were black players regularly picked by Lance

the sterling saga was a strange one, as i remember it, sterling approached lance and asked him why he was not being selected and what did he need to do to win favor, , lance stated that he would not be picked regardless of form/performance, sterling asked him if it was the color of his skin and lance would not give an answer. anyway when lance was asked in court what his experience of afro Caribbean players was, his answer was he had none as "those boys played basketball" as sweeping generalization that did not go down well in a Uk court, and the court ruled in favor of Sterling saying Lance was guilty inadvertent institutionalized racism (or there about).

Author:  Sal Paradise [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

He was offered the coaching gig because he had a SL contract and GH saw it as a way of saving money!!

Terrible coach who dropped Sinfield for the 2000 CC final so a players whose wife was his wife's best friend could get a game.

Also brought Paul Bell over who lasted all of 6 weeks!!

Author:  RHINO-MARK [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

Way out of his depth who should have gone much earlier imo.

Author:  William Eve [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

Sal Paradise wrote:He was offered the coaching gig because he had a SL contract and GH saw it as a way of saving money!!

Terrible coach who dropped Sinfield for the 2000 CC final so a players whose wife was his wife's best friend could get a game.

GH's original target for replacing Graham Murray (whose salary was also paid for by SL Australia) was John Lang (another contracted to SL Australia) but was turned down. Lance was the only other SL Australia contracted coach out of a job after Adelaide Rams were shunted, but at least he came cheap 8)

Author:  TheNo36 [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dean Lance Era - Your Memories

Was always led to believe he was of the main reasons Harris became so disillusioned with life at Leeds.

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