Les Norton wrote:Didn't McGrath go on to become joint head coach of Warrington with David Plange?
The Paul Stering saga! Not played because of the colour of his skin, what he accused Lance of anyway, oblivious to the fact there were black players regularly picked by Lance
the sterling saga was a strange one, as i remember it, sterling approached lance and asked him why he was not being selected and what did he need to do to win favor, , lance stated that he would not be picked regardless of form/performance, sterling asked him if it was the color of his skin and lance would not give an answer. anyway when lance was asked in court what his experience of afro Caribbean players was, his answer was he had none as "those boys played basketball" as sweeping generalization that did not go down well in a Uk court, and the court ruled in favor of Sterling saying Lance was guilty inadvertent institutionalized racism (or there about).