
New players or new coach
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Author:  Philynnchloe [ Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  New players or new coach

Is it time to sacrifice something to stop the bleeding?
Can't see where our next win is coming from on current performances,been going on since start of season.fans are sick of hearing GH and McDermott saying mood in camp is good.is McDermott turging into the Arsene wenger of super league and can do no wrong in the boards eyes.dont like to see anyone lose there job but no-one bigger than the club surely?

Author:  Ferdy [ Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New players or new coach

Philynnchloe wrote:Is it time to sacrifice something to stop the bleeding?
Can't see where our next win is coming from on current performances,been going on since start of season.fans are sick of hearing GH and McDermott saying mood in camp is good.is McDermott turging into the Arsene wenger of super league and can do no wrong in the boards eyes.dont like to see anyone lose there job but no-one bigger than the club surely?

I don't really see what's to be gained by sacking the manager now. Maybe next year we could do with a shake up and some fresh ideas but to sack him now who is avalable who you would actually want? And it's not as if we have a great assistant waiting in the wings to take over. The current situation is not all Macs fault

Author:  Gotcha [ Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New players or new coach

We have no one to step in if he did go, that is the extent of his power building. Unfortunately results will get worse has he stays, but no other option. He should definitely be out fir next year.

On the playing front, Hetherington should have backed his coach and let Burrow go as a player. Watching last night, you couldn't help but think how he is effecting the team further as not a team player to fight in with what we need. Would like to see as stated previously McDermot just concentrate on first team, and appoint Burrow as head of youth on the same level as McDermott, not reporting to him.

Author:  Philynnchloe [ Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New players or new coach

Can't blame McDermott for everything,but he runs the team his way,got to question the transfer policy of Leeds,should have replaced outgoing legends with players of equal ability,not too worried about 1-5 as I think they'll be ok,but Galloway looks out of his depth and his fitness levels are shocking,can't last more than 10 mins,too much expected of sutcliffe don't think he's got the mental strength to deal with that position,Delaney always gives 100% but is becoming a injury liability,desperately need leadership not just in middle of park,but throughout the team leading by example willing to go that extra mile.some of that leadership has to come from McDermott,can't expect 15-18000 loyal fans week In Week out to put up with these performances.everyone knew it would be a tough transition but the recent performances suggest maybe the problem is more deep routed.

Author:  Biff Tannen [ Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New players or new coach

Don't really see the Wenger analogy as we won the treble last season, Wenger hasn't won a title for well over a decade.

If we are using football, this year is more like Chelsea's demise if anything.

Author:  taxi4stevesmith [ Sat Apr 02, 2016 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New players or new coach

Cheap options as usual from GH. Sinfield=sutcliffe peacock=Galloway Kylie=mullally Aiton=falloon. Enough said!

Author:  Philynnchloe [ Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New players or new coach

Agree that burrow should not have had a contract extension,had his time,been a great servant to the club,but time to move on,can't really see McGuire lasting much longer,should have gone for someone like widdop to replace sinfield,but obviously a player like that is going to cost and that's not GH way,buy cheap buy twice.with the amount of money generated in our club,signings should be a lot more ambitious.

Author:  DHM [ Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New players or new coach


Author:  Sal Paradise [ Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New players or new coach

Replacing either of Sinfield or Peacock was always going to be tough. Finding a half back of that quality is almost impossible. I genuinely think GH thought this year would be Sinfield's last and his move to RU was a shock. Add to that Sutcliffe being injured and the 2 year planned transition was no more. We cannot produce half backs here and very few top halves ever come here - Carney is an exception and he would not have been available to Leeds anyway. Gidley would have been an ideal stop gap but Leeds weren't at the races where that was concerned.

Where GH should have done better is getting a hooker - Falloon is poor - we needed a serious player to organise and move the team around.

On the props Galloway should be better than he is showing but Garbutt should never have been signed he helped a tired side at the end of last season but he isnt even SL standard.

The most worrying thing of all is the lack of quality kids knocking on the door for selection. As the person responsible for all the coaching and development McDermott needs to brought to task on this. For this alone a change is required to the structure and the personnel within the coaching set up and that starts at the top

Author:  Fat Boy [ Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New players or new coach

Guys... you are all assuming that BMcD actually does something and would need replacing.

All we need is someone to do the post match interviews and play with an inflated rubber glove at half time.

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