
A plea
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Author:  Ex-Swarcliffe Rhino [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  A plea

3 mins into the game last night a number of "mature" supporters stood right infront of us and proceeded to drop their guts every 2 mins. Can we please get some decent food outlets to eradicate this bio-warfare?

Author:  RainbowRhino [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

In Australia they have actual food outlets in the stadium... Such as Red Rooster, Hungry Jacks such....
It would make economical seance for the rhinos to put in some spaces for real food outlets to rent (Therefore increasing comp' for Quality, Speed and Price) but also meaning that the club would only have the expense of building the units around the ground and not the running expenses that would be covered with the company renting.

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