
Trouble in the North Stand
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Author:  Wasser13 [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

"We are more ashamed of them than you, just recently our away support has been getting tarred by these so called fans. Witnessed them at Wire, Wigan, Salford and Cas so I won't hold my breath that they all get banned on the back of tonight. "

Dum Dum i think you will find hardly none of us were at wigan or salford and only a few of us went to cas! So i do not know what you have apparently witnessed. Most of us go the majority of away games but not once have we caused trouble at any of these games that you have mentioned.

Author:  Clearwing [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

Be fair, out of 3,000,000 away fans you're bound to get one or two troublemakers

Author:  dum-dum [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

Wasser13 wrote:"We are more ashamed of them than you, just recently our away support has been getting tarred by these so called fans. Witnessed them at Wire, Wigan, Salford and Cas so I won't hold my breath that they all get banned on the back of tonight. "

Dum Dum i think you will find hardly none of us were at wigan or salford and only a few of us went to cas! So i do not know what you have apparently witnessed. Most of us go the majority of away games but not once have we caused trouble at any of these games that you have mentioned.

It was a generalisation of troublesome fans, "they" being any that have caused trouble at away games. If you weren't in the ground at Leeds then you weren't the ones fighting at around 70mins and as such your conscience can be clear on that one, doesn't detract from the 'trouble' you did cause at this game and the pubs outside.

PS. Did you cause trouble at Wire?

Author:  El Barbudo [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

Clearwing wrote:Be fair, out of 3,000,000 away fans you're bound to get one or two troublemakers


Author:  Bullseye [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

cod'ead wrote:About eight years ago I had the misfortune to attend a Pies v Hull FC game at the JJB. A group of Hull FC "supporters" had decided that this game would be an ideal prelude to a stag weekend in Blackpool, many of thos attending were also in fancy dress. They were tanked up and at one point managed to get onto the pitch and verbally abuse Hull & Wigan players.

A few of us managed to photograph these idiots and the pics were forwarded to the Hull club. The Humberside Sports Policing unit also got involved and the result was a number of "supporters" were banned from the KC. One even had his season pass taken from him while drinking in a KC bar.

Banning the culprits was one thing, enforcing it was an entirely different other. It also never prevented these idiots from travelling to away games and continuing their "fun". It is the home club's duty to police their ground and ensure the safety and comfort of all spectators and unless and until a system of sharing details of such idiot "fans" is introduced, there's little to prevent recurrances. Eight years ago we didn't have ASBOs, possibly these incidents could now be covered, preventing the subjects of an ASBO from attending RL games in the future?

RL are going down the route of having banning orders like in football. I think that means that those given the orders are banned from all grounds. As you say at the moment many of those banned are free to go to away grounds.

At the moment there is only one individual with a RL banning order.

Author:  McLaren_Field [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

Bullseye wrote:RL are going down the route of having banning orders like in football. I think that means that those given the orders are banned from all grounds. As you say at the moment many of those banned are free to go to away grounds.

At the moment there is only one individual with a RL banning order.

Difficult to police if you have general standing areas and pay-on-the-gate ?

Its only going to work if the culprit is put off by any legal sanctions if he/she is found inside a ground, if they are not recognised and don't really care anyway then they can freely attend anywhere.

Author:  Bullseye [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

McLaren_Field wrote:Difficult to police if you have general standing areas and pay-on-the-gate ?

Its only going to work if the culprit is put off by any legal sanctions if he/she is found inside a ground, if they are not recognised and don't really care anyway then they can freely attend anywhere.

I don't know the sanctions of the RL banning order but you're right. As for recognising them that's another issue too.

The one chap who is the only one so far with a RL banning order has his details and photo distributed around all the different police divisions so he should be quite easily identified by the fuzz on duty. I expect his mug shot is at all the RL clubs too to pass on to stewards.

Judging by the antics yesterday I'd say Fred Flintstone and Superman should be quite easy to identify too :wink:

Author:  Sandro II Terrorista [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

If people were to be put on some sort of watch list then although difficult to stop them attending at least if they did attend and got caught causing trouble again the sanctions taken against them could be more far reaching than merely being ejected from the ground and given a caution.

Author:  McLaren_Field [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

The theory that an individual person can be picked out of a crowd of 15000 other people by a turnstile operator or student in a hi-viz stewards jacket simply by showing them a photo at some random point in the past is one that always amuses me.

But I suppose it makes the games administrators feel that they've done something.

And it keeps a lawyer or two in business too...

Author:  Wheels [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

I know it's a serious issue and everything, but the mental image of all this kicking off is bloody hilarious.

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