
Trouble in the North Stand
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Author:  Andy Gilder [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

Wheels wrote:I know it's a serious issue and everything, but the mental image of all this kicking off is bloody hilarious.



Author:  BillyRhino [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

I rather like the sound of this rotund femail, even if she does have a whiff of the harbour about her.

Did anyone get a picture?

Author:  Andy Gilder [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

On a more serious note, isn't the breach of a banning order effectively contempt of court and something you could end up doing time for?

Author:  rugbyleague88 [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

The people in fancy dress, certainly did more than just have fun. At least two of them were cuffed and it was lucky that there were a number of stewards and police because it would have been a lot worse. They were pushing and shoving the police at a minimum, when i went past, one policeman looked in a bit of trouble for a period as he was been shoved by 2/3 people.

Author:  DHM [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

Can't we put those little chip things in people that they have for dogs? Then they would set off an alarm at the turnstile.
I did some interesting work with glass at universitiy. We looked at slowly dissolving glass as a way of releasing vitamins and minerals slowly over time into the stomachs of sheep. When the glass ball dissolved to a certain size it passed harmlessly out of the gut. We could do the same thing with trouble causing rabble, give them a glass ball with a chip in it. After 12 months the ball would have reduced in size and would pass out. If you added vitamins then it could also help with the p!$$ poor diet these people usually seem to have.

It's a win-win as far as I can see.

Author:  DHM [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

rugbyleague88 wrote:The people in fancy dress, certainly did more than just have fun. At least two of them were cuffed and it was lucky that there were a number of stewards and police because it would have been a lot worse. They were pushing and shoving the police at a minimum, when i went past, one policeman looked in a bit of trouble for a period as he was been shoved by 2/3 people.

How do you know they were real policemen? Could have been a rival fancy dress group.

Author:  West Cumbrian Rhino [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

There were also Hull KR "fans" in the Taps pre game singing "We hate rhinos" obviously looking for a response from myself and some friends. We ignored them and they were warned from the management of the pub about their behaviour.

Author:  G1 [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

Bullseye wrote:At the moment there is only one individual with a RL banning order.

I wonder which team he follows ;-)

The stewards (and police) response was totally unacceptable. It wasn't the "minimum wage" stewards either. It was the "green team" stewards. Supposedly the SAS of Headingley stewarding.

The two female police officers also took far too long to get control of the situation and remove the bother causers.

I was concerned for the safety of my friend in the midst of it. He was sat a few rows behind Batley Rhino ;-) In all seriousness Bats has just started taking his boys to the matches and it it appalling that the lads were subjected to this behaviour after just a few games as spectators. Think of it as a good life lesson bats, if they don't work hard in school this is how they could end up.

Author:  Leyther_Matt [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

McLaren_Field wrote:The theory that an individual person can be picked out of a crowd of 15000 other people by a turnstile operator or student in a hi-viz stewards jacket simply by showing them a photo at some random point in the past is one that always amuses me.

But I suppose it makes the games administrators feel that they've done something.

And it keeps a lawyer or two in business too...

Most police forces have an officer or two that are assigned to their local RL clubs and, if requested, may travel to away fixtures as a plain-clothed 'spotter' to identify known troublemakers and, if necessary, draft extra stewards in to the area that they are standing etc.

Author:  BarwickRhino [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trouble in the North Stand

It wasn't just a few of the HKR supporters that were looking for trouble - it was far worse than that.

As a season ticket holder in section A I can tell you that the majority would have been happy to get involved. The vast majority of them were men, there were practically no children with them. The language was just awful. Most of them didn't actually have tickets, the stewards having failed to do their job yet again.

So I won't be back in that part of the stand again, enough is enough.

I know kick off time was probably dictated by the T20 game that wasn't but whoever thought it would be a good idea needs sacking. RL is a family game and this is the second game in a row where there has been trouble in the same area and children have been caught up in the middle of it.

Message to Mr Hetherington - come up with appropriate KO times (anyone could have forecast the outcome of this one), stop using stewards who actually run away at the first sight of trouble (they haven't got the gumption to take action), stop selling tickets on the day to away supporters for the North Stand (or perhaps only sell them to adults accompanying children - not that that would have saved the idiot from Huddersfield who started a fight on his own with his kids sitting next to him) and start enforcing the rules with regard to language.

Message to away supporters - please don't come to our ground drunk and abusive, we all love the banter but the alcohol blurrs your judgement.

Message to the stewards - don't accept a job you aren't capable of doing.

Message to those who think this is a forum to joke about this - when and if you ever have children of your own you will understand that it isn't a joke having to put up with this rubbish.

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