
Strong message from the club...
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Author:  Pretty Boy [ Sun Apr 05, 2009 11:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Half Full wrote:This aint america were the victims get there say, the judge as many of them do with pro sports players BEND the sentence . WRONG WRONg WROng WRong Wrong and WRONG ., :evil: :evil:
could understand your point if we were talking about a david beckham or a tiger woods but we talking about ben cockayne.

Author:  westyorkylad [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:24 am ]
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Just lucky they werent on a motorbike doing 120 mph or they would both have got six month sentences :!:

Work that one out then :?:

Author:  Sharpeshooter22 [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:58 pm ]
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Absolute disgrace.

Author:  General Zod. [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:57 pm ]
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vastman wrote:Not the case at all - you suggested Cas wouldn't have done the same had he been a regular first teamer. How do you know this and how is that an excuse for HKR not doing something about Cockayne. A player as it happens with a long history of being trouble - always comes across as a bit of a cheeky chap who doesn't mean any harm - aren't they always the worst. Come on Zod you know better.

They signed Dwayne Barker who'd been down the road previously, not to mention stunts like giving a trail to the mostfamous drugs cheat in British sport (though I appreciate it's a slightly different issue).

Author:  waltontiger [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:28 pm ]
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General Zod. wrote:They signed Dwayne Barker who'd been down the road previously, not to mention stunts like giving a trial to the most famous drugs cheat in British sport (though I appreciate it's a slightly different issue).

Who had served his ban and was looking at other sports for a change of life direction after being dealt with severely by his sporting body......
Cas didn't take him on with hyperdermics still hanging from his arms.

You will not do anything to Cockayne that is down to you and your clubs morals not anyone elses.

Author:  MrPhilb [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:00 pm ]
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Hull KR's statement

Following a series of discussions over the weekend and today with Ben, his agent David Howes and his legal representatives, the board of directors of Hull Kingston Rovers wish to make the following statement:-

We have carefully considered and reviewed Ben’s position as a full time professional rugby league player of this club in light of his conviction and sentence in the Leeds Crown Court last week, for an offence of assault occasioning actual bodily harm. We are aware of the detail of the offence and have seen the CCTV video footage. We have given serious consideration to terminating his contract in light of his actions, which are clear for all to see. However, we have decided against that course of action.

We are mindful of the sentencing Judge’s comments in sparing Ben’s imprisonment. He expressed the hope and expectation that Ben would learn from this experience and use it in a positive manner to effect and influence others against repeating the mistakes he has made. In view of this, we believe that dismissing Ben, although an easier option for the Club, would not offer the rehabilitative support that Ben needs at this time. He has issues to deal with which we, as a community centric club and as his employer, feel a responsibility to help him address.

We are very aware of the public reaction to this incident and its potentially very negative effect on the reputation of this Club. We do not in any way condone, justify or excuse Ben’s actions and we are therefore, in these extraordinary circumstances, publishing the sanctions we have imposed on Ben so that everyone is aware that, whilst we will look to support and help Ben return to being an important member of our community, we equally must reflect his actions with appropriate sanctions.


1. Ben will be suspended from 1st team selection until he completes his 240 hours’ community service as ordered by the Court or until 1.6.09, whichever is the sooner.

2. Ben will not be paid during this period.

3. Ben will undergo compulsory counselling for (i) Anger Management (ii) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with a treatment provider identified and introduced by the Club.

At this time, neither the Club nor Ben’s advisors consider it appropriate for him to make any public comment at all on this matter. He does, however, wish to repeat his expressions of genuine remorse and disappointment for those he has let down through his actions and is firmly committed to work with the club, as outlined above.

Author:  Pretty Boy [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:48 pm ]
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i support this fully.good call hull hopefully the lad learns his lesson.

Author:  cas_chris [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:54 pm ]
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It isnt a big enough punishment. If he is getting flashbacks to Iraq he should be banned for life as he isnt safe.

Author:  Pretty Boy [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:10 pm ]
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i can understand people thinkin punishment is enough but as id put in my previous posts prison (what most people were calling for) about rehabilitating offenders not just punishing them.the plan of action hull is taking is a good plan to try and help make this obviously troubled individual a chance to change.ill back what i said good call hull but should be last chance saloon for ben.

Author:  Bearded [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:24 pm ]
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I think the not being paid/allowed to play till he does his 240 hours could have as strong an effect on him as the possible threat of jail.

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