
Strong message from the club...
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Author:  Singe [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:44 am ]
Post subject: 

guess who wrote:Having just watched the video. I have to say the lad getting the kicking, sure as hell doesn't look unconscious at any time during the attack.

The video I have seen agrees with you but it matters not. What a complete coward - he even tried to have a go at the innocent bloke at the end. How on earth did he avoid prison. Here was a chance for the courts to show an example- lets face it,they can't be often given cctv coverage - and the judge bottled it.

Cockayne - what a complete coward. Hull KR should get rid asap. Its the only and right thing to do.

Author:  Pretty Boy [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:54 am ]
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am sure the judge didnt bottle it.i think the problem will be is that the judge in question probably deals with hundreds of cases identical to this every year and a precedent has probably been set that this offence warrants a years suspended sentence.its would have been up to the prosecution to convince a jury that they deserved a higher more severe sentence.

Author:  poppys mum [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:32 pm ]
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guess who wrote: I have to say the lad getting the kicking, sure as hell doesn't look unconscious at any time during the attack.

Shear luck, one kick in the right place and it would have been a murder charge.

Conscious or not what right as this animal got using another human being as a punch bag.

Author:  Trouble Darn T Lane [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:21 pm ]
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deeman forever Cas wrote:What do you have to do to get sent down nowadays ?

Community service :roll:

bailey and walker got sent down for far less than what ben did in that video imo,i'll also bet that a repeat offender, that also plays in super league will also get off lightly in the not too distant future,who says that kids need role models anyway to look upto?:wink:

Author:  Trouble Darn T Lane [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:23 pm ]
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Irregs #16 wrote:Rovers will not do the same thing

i don't think that HKR will get rid of ben either as they know perfectly well that another super league side would give him a second chance!

Author:  Speedy [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:28 pm ]
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it will be interesting next week and also when other two are dealt with


Author:  Gazemous [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:28 pm ]
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Fully wrote:Gerrard?

Was he found guilty?

Author:  Trouble Darn T Lane [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:39 pm ]
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Speedy wrote:it will be interesting next week and also when other two are dealt with


what do you reckon they will get?

Author:  vastman [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:19 pm ]
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poppys mum wrote:Shear luck, one kick in the right place and it would have been a murder charge.

Conscious or not what right as this animal got using another human being as a punch bag.

Manslaughter not murder but I get your point. For it to be murder the intention to kill would have to have been there, in this case that would be hard to prove. I don't think they intended to kill him but easily could have - why the leniency I have no idea.

Author:  vastman [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cecil B wrote:Last weekend the Independent did a piece having a go at Rugby League for allowing a player (Pryce) who had just admitted an assault charge and been warned by the jduge he faced a custodial sentence to continue to play pending sentencing.

At first I thought it was another example of the national press only paying attention to rugby league when it's to stick the boot in, but on reflection I think the writer had a point. If any top footballer was in the same circumstances would there not be an outcry if he was allowed to play - I think there would!

For once Cecil I think your a bit off - Joey Barton has done exactly what this lad has done not once but twice and done some time but still gets one lucrative contract after another. Football is as corrupt as RL in this respect, money breeds it. You can add Lee Bowyer to that list and there have been plenty of others.

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