
Strong message from the club...
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Author:  Kippaxer [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Irregs #16 wrote:But......

Would you do the same if it was Mcgoldrick or Sherwin or shenton?

With it being a reserve it does make it easier to reach this conclusion

That'll be why Raynor is still employed by Hull FC, right?

Author:  Disco [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Irregs #16 wrote:Would you do the same if it was Mcgoldrick or Sherwin or shenton?

Irrelevant question - If they acted like these thugs they wouldn't be the people they are. However, to answer what I think was your meaning... yes.

Author:  deeman forever Cas [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

What do you have to do to get sent down nowadays ?

Community service :roll:

Author:  Captain Dave [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Irregs #16 wrote:But......

Would you do the same if it was Mcgoldrick or Sherwin or shenton?

With it being a reserve it does make it easier to reach this conclusion

Although possibly not of the same ferocity , Matt Calland is still in a job at Halifax after a conviction for an assault.

Author:  poppys mum [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have just watched that video, it turn my stomach sick.

Drink or no drink there is no doubt these 2 men should have been jailed.

I'm disgusted with british justice.

I just hope the lad recovered and had no long term damage.

That was disgusting.

Author:  acko [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:49 pm ]
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Got to agree with you guys That CCTV footage is fully disgusting 2 on 1 the other club should do the right thing

Author:  Half Full [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:37 pm ]
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jourdmart wrote:Watching that CCTV footage is frightening. Pair of cowardly thugs. He's lucky not to be in jail and there's no way he should still have a job.

Should of been sent down for that . Well done Cas .

Author:  WHELDON-ROAD-END [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad we didn't try and get him now at the start of the season, i know we have had our fair share of trouble makers but that is absolutely cowardly and sickenining and he doesn't deserve to be a player in our respected rugby family IMO. He isn't fit enough to be a role model infront of people who look upto him, young prospects and rugby players alike.

Feel free to tell me im going over the top but am i? This week should of opened peoples eyes not only with Cokayne but also Pryce and Reardon. Also which i find sad is for is cowardly act, a young talent as now had is contract rightly ripped to shreds! :roll:

Author:  castigers13 [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:09 pm ]
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Fully agree with Castlefords decision to terminate his contract, it was a sickening attack and will serve him right if he never get a chance to progress his career.

Author:  Cecil B [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

WHELDON-ROAD-END wrote:Glad we didn't try and get him now at the start of the season, i know we have had our fair share of trouble makers but that is absolutely cowardly and sickenining and he doesn't deserve to be a player in our respected rugby family IMO. He isn't fit enough to be a role model infront of people who look upto him, young prospects and rugby players alike.

Feel free to tell me im going over the top but am i? This week should of opened peoples eyes not only with Cokayne but also Pryce and Reardon. Also which i find sad is for is cowardly act, a young talent as now had is contract rightly ripped to shreds! :roll:

Last weekend the Independent did a piece having a go at Rugby League for allowing a player (Pryce) who had just admitted an assault charge and been warned by the jduge he faced a custodial sentence to continue to play pending sentencing.

At first I thought it was another example of the national press only paying attention to rugby league when it's to stick the boot in, but on reflection I think the writer had a point. If any top footballer was in the same circumstances would there not be an outcry if he was allowed to play - I think there would!

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