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Author:  terry silver [ Wed Mar 08, 2023 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  I.P.G

So the club have set up a group of people to help us get ready for the Img proposals. On the face of this it looks like a good move by the club to prepare for what is to come with regards to the gradings set out by Img and gives us the best chance possible to get the highest grading we can.

Author:  Listenup94 [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I.P.G

Looks like we have some educated people on board and it’s great to see real long term planning for the club . The shadow and lack of clarity around img is probably one of the reasons why we haven’t gone all in on the recruitment front and why we’re seeing more emphasis on the wheelchair and women’s teams . Would be frustrating if the meeting is called off today with the predicted bad weather.

Author:  Faxlore [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I.P.G

It was interesting reading the groups Bios. Let’s hope they are able to move the club forward in whatever IMG decide to instigate “for the good of the game.” I hope it is for the good of the game at all leaves and not just the SL teams. I feel that to strengthen our sport the lower leagues and amateur games need to be supported to get more people watching and playing not just more money in SL clubs. The stronger the roots of a tree are the healthier the top of tree is. Having strong, well supported championship and champ 1 and A team comps and academies the stronger the top tear and our international teams will be.
However I feel, despite all the talk of expanding the women’s and wheelchair game, it will be very SL focused and in favour of those teams. Glad the club have appointed these people. Let’s hope the meeting is still on.

Author:  Greg Florimos Boots [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I.P.G

To me it always feels like the womens team was just a box ticking exersize rather than the club been fully behind it, I mean they have not even been allowed to play a game at the Shay and instead basically moved the Brighouse team and farmed them off up to Ovenden and at the moment the team is a long way off the standard required to play at Championship level nevermind SL. When you compare to Swinton and Sheffield who have been fully backed by their clubs its easy to see we are a long way off.

Author:  faxcar [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I.P.G

Everything must start somewhere and somethings will be more advanced than others, hard to say much until everyone knows what’s going on but at least we’ve made a start.
I just hope that whatever boxes there’s are to tick those that set them out realise there’s a price to pay with little money available to do so.

Author:  Listenup94 [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I.P.G

Author:  Hudd-Shay [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I.P.G

Not a lot's changed there then. When you attempt to improve a sport and only 25% of your solutions are connected to performance summat's badly wrong! Hopefully Fax don't vote in favour of these proposals. BTW, what's fandom? :CRAZY:

Author:  faxcar [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I.P.G

Hudd-Shay wrote:Not a lot's changed there then. When you attempt to improve a sport and only 25% of your solutions are connected to performance summat's badly wrong! Hopefully Fax don't vote in favour of these proposals. BTW, what's fandom? :CRAZY:

Not saying it’s right just adding to the conversation.

From the pundit chatter i’ve heard and read about the feeling was that performance on the field will have more chance of sustainable success the more you have the other things in place and that line of thinking is based on the fate of past clubs who went all in on performance, failed to win anything and went into decline even our near neighbours who had success couldn’t maintain it.

It will be interesting to see what for us Fax and for the rest of the game what the other clubs say about it.

Author:  freddies wig [ Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I.P.G

Some talent on the IPG. Exciting times and important times for the club.

Can’t help feeling that with being in the championship we are hamstrung when it comes to point scoring in the criteria - best way to have £4 million turnover, 10,000 attendance and 40% of stadium being used is to be playing the very best week in and week out in a vibrant competition with risk, surely..?

Author:  Listenup94 [ Fri Mar 10, 2023 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I.P.G

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