
Club 1873 Update
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Author:  taxman [ Wed Feb 17, 2021 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Club 1873 Update

Following on from the initial launch of Club 1873 for 2021 and now fixtures have been announced things are a little clearer for the coming season. We could still have changes to the fixtures due to Covid and we do not have a date for crowds returning so plans may need to be changed as the season progresses.
We have had a tremendous response for Club 1873 already having reached number 83 with nearly half paid up. Just E mail or text me if you want a number reserved. If you have already renewed and received confirmation of your number you can Bacs payment. Just E mail or text and I will forward details. You can also leave it and pay when crowds return to the Shay but always follow all Covid safety rules.
I intend to do the first 2 draws when we play Sheffield on Sunday 16th May with subsequent draws after each league game up to the final league game on Sunday 16th September when the main prize of a 2022 season ticket will be drawn.
Thank you again for your unfailing support as we look forward to the coming season
New members welcome
Neil Arber
Following on from the initial launch of Club 1873 for 2021 and now fixtures have been announced things are a little clearer for the coming season. We could still have changes to the fixtures due to Covid and we do not have a date for crowds returning so plans may need to be changed as the season progresses.
We have had a tremendous response for Club 1873 already having reached number 83 with nearly half paid up. Just E mail or text me if you want a number reserved. If you have already renewed and received confirmation of your number you can Bacs payment. Just E mail or text and I will forward details. You can also leave it and pay when crowds return to the Shay but always follow all Covid safety rules.
I intend to do the first 2 draws when we play Sheffield on Sunday 16th May with subsequent draws after each league game up to the final league game on Sunday 16th September when the main prize of a 2022 season ticket will be drawn.
Thank you again for your unfailing support as we look forward to the coming season
New members welcome
Neil Arber

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