
Something to do if you or a relative is now self isolating.
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Author:  glee [ Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Something to do if you or a relative is now self isolating.

For all those people now faced with the prospect of having to self isolate and wondering what to with all their time, can I suggest something that is interesting, enjoyable, educational and cheap. It is to write a novel based on their own life and times. It is something that I started doing in 1988 and just after I had been made redundant from Crosrol.
It was inspired by three things: firstly my interest and knowledge of rugby league, its history and its many characters, having a family tree going back to 1777 and the old saying about work that "They could write a book about this place. It would be a best seller."
Based on my experiences doing that, I have since written some guidelines on how best to get started. If this interests you or maybe one of your older relatives contact me at wgeofflee@gmail.com and I'll send them to you.
However you may prefer first to read one of my novels. If so I would suggest my latest. It is called "Three Good Years" and is set during the 2006, 07 and 08 seasons with a background of Work, Family Life, Saving the NHS and Rugby League" and includes a note about Johnny Freeman at school.
It is available from London League Publications. Visit their web site at www.llpshop.co.uk Click on Books and then on Fiction.
For all those people now faced with the prospect of having to self isolate and wondering what to with all their time, can I suggest something that is interesting, enjoyable, educational and cheap. It is to write a novel based on their own life and times. It is something that I started doing in 1988 and just after I had been made redundant from Crosrol.
It was inspired by three things: firstly my interest and knowledge of rugby league, its history and its many characters, having a family tree going back to 1777 and the old saying about work that "They could write a book about this place. It would be a best seller."
Based on my experiences doing that, I have since written some guidelines on how best to get started. If this interests you or maybe one of your older relatives contact me at wgeofflee@gmail.com and I'll send them to you.
However you may prefer first to read one of my novels. If so I would suggest my latest. It is called "Three Good Years" and is set during the 2006, 07 and 08 seasons with a background of Work, Family Life, Saving the NHS and Rugby League" and includes a note about Johnny Freeman at school.
It is available from London League Publications. Visit their web site at www.llpshop.co.uk Click on Books and then on Fiction.

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