And where does it say that the team will all be part-time?
Cullen has already said that the assumption that the team are all full-time is totally incorrect.
I quote:
“We also have issues with the training situation as we are losing players on a daily basis due to work commitments and it is something I intend to do something about.”
He added: “The concept that Widnes is a full-time training club simply does not exist and so we may even do what Halifax and Barrow do, which is to essentially have night-time training sessions.”
So he intends to change the training times of the team. How does that equate to a team becoming part-time?
Of course, this is all academical. The team that was put together by Steve McCormack has been shown up for what it is and quite rightly they are well off the pace in games and in the league table. Too many players have been signed who just don't have the heart for the game at that club. Whether this is down to the coaching staff, the owner (there is no board) or even themselves is open to speculation. It's the fans I feel for, being one myself.
But none of this should detract from the outstanding performances put in so far this season by Halifax, Barrow, Featherstone, Leigh and Whitehaven. Doncaster and Sheffield have been unlucky when they have played Widnes as the games could have gone either way. The league table doesn't lie.
I think Cullen and Ste O'Connor are well aware of the serious situation we have found ourselves in and will make changes where ever they can. Whether this will be in time to save any face this season I don't know!! But the team are going to have to face the fact that they set themselves out to be one of if not the team in the league this year and so far they have fallen well short of the mark!! It just goes to show that if your team has the determination to succeed, no matter if they are full time or part, if they are a team of well known names or unknowns, you can achieve your goals. A lesson I think for most players currently at Widnes.