
Players and coaches dugouts to the Skircoat stand! idea
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Author:  Jonnie.. [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Players and coaches dugouts to the Skircoat stand! idea

i seem to remeber when the new stand was orgionally being built we moved the subs and coaching staff benches / dugouts. over to infront of the skircoat stand for a season

This certainly gives us a chance to get behind the players during interchanges and for the players and officals to be more at one with the fans

I suggested this a couple of seasons ago, But manily becasue one of the club officals excuse was (reading between the lines, i might add) he did not want to walk across to the skircoast side when the changing rooms were on the other side! (which they are no longer) we could now move the dugouts to infront of the skircoat

The chaning rooms are now not in the stand, so HFRLC, how about moving the benchcs over the the skircoast so we can get behind out team even more!

Author:  a.n Other [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Players and coaches dugouts to the Skircoat stand! idea

Jonnie.. wrote:i seem to remeber when the new stand was orgionally being built we moved the subs and coaching staff benches / dugouts. over to infront of the skircoat stand for a season

This certainly gives us a chance to get behind the players during interchanges and for the players and officals to be more at one with the fans

I suggested this a couple of seasons ago, But manily becasue one of the club officals excuse was (reading between the lines, i might add) he did not want to walk across to the skircoast side when the changing rooms were on the other side! (which they are no longer) we could now move the dugouts to infront of the skircoat

The chaning rooms are now not in the stand, so HFRLC, how about moving the benchcs over the the skircoast so we can get behind out team even more!

Good idea might even make it a little more intimidating for the opposition.

Author:  bentleyman [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not so good for viewing if you like to sit on the ist few rows

Author:  dazednconfused [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Excellent idea, was thinking about it myself, but you beat me to saying it.

I fully agree with the comment about the interchanges. At the Hunslet game there was a lot of vocal support and applause at each change and it gives us a chance to get behind the team and to feel closer to them as well.

it would also allow us to heckle the opposite bench and rattle them a bit.

The comment about the first few rows is irrelevant as there are plenty of other seats to occupy!!

Author:  Midge [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

"The comment about the first few rows is irrelevant as there are plenty of other seats to occupy"

Not if you are disabled and can't climb many stairs

Author:  Malfax [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:49 pm ]
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Sounds like a good idea, but would that fit in with the football club and the FA?

Author:  urbancarrot [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:01 pm ]
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If it was over that side of the stadium it could be a possible sponsor opportunity with something on the back or on top of the dugouts?

Author:  Halifax RLFC [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

the original plan was to put them on the Skircoat side but as I remember it a ground inspection by the FA told FC Halifax that it was unacceptable and they had to be at the opposite side.

We went along with it to save having to move the dug outs for each different club game

Author:  Jonnie.. [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

was that in the days when there were in the football leauge? sorry for my lack of football knowledge in repect to Halifax Town but arnt they in a Pub leauge now!

Could the question be asked again re the dugouts at the Skircoat side as a temp measure whilst work is being undertaken on the new stand

we get H&S throw at us all the time can we not throw some back!

Author:  johnny freeman fan club [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

bentleyman wrote:Not so good for viewing if you like to sit on the ist few rows

That`s if there are any seats on the front rows.I don`t normally see the seating (or lack of it) along the half way mark as I sit near to the South Stand end but as I walked along the front row trying to sell a few programmes I found there was an awful lot of seats missing.I don`t know wether they have been broken and not replaced or they have suffered the same fate as all the rows of missing seats at the back of the stand which have been canibleised to replace broken seats elsewhere.Whatever the reason it looked bad. I`m not saying they should all be replaced immediatly as I do realise the cost implications but I do think the seating should all be taken from down one end in a block rather than just random rows missing from the popular seating areas.

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