
Squad 2024
Page 44 of 74

Author:  faxcar [ Wed May 15, 2024 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

Listenup94 wrote:It is my understanding that edens departure will be announced today so I would assume but not certain that his replacement as been found .

Now confirmed, first bit anyway.

Author:  Listenup94 [ Thu May 16, 2024 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

So if my calculations are correct we currently have a 23 man squad with 5 out injured and now have CoreyJohnson on dr to replace inman leaving us with 19 fit players .

It would’nt surprise me if some signings were announced at the forum to sweeten an evening with an air of potential negativity , someone did mention 3 new signings, how accurate that is is anyone’s guess , with Eden now gone that must mean we have found a suitable replacement otherwise the deal for edens departure wouldn’t have gone ahead , I have my suspicions who it is but I’m not gonna let the cat out of the bag , needless to say the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The other two, well like I’ve mentioned before I’m hoping it’s Francois hantz but that’s me possibly doing 2+2 =5 .
The other guy who’s trialling with us is a half so I don’t see the logic in that but to be quite honest there’s a lot of stuff that don’t make sense this season, ie McComb being ahead in the pecking order of Olly davies and hursey hord in the pack .

50/50 whether I can make the forum tonight as I’m on jury service.

There was mention of the possibility of it been streamed but not sure on that , probably charge us £ 57 each to try cover the rent arrears lol !

Author:  hooligan27 [ Thu May 16, 2024 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

Listenup94 wrote:So if my calculations are correct we currently have a 23 man squad with 5 out injured and now have CoreyJohnson on dr to replace inman leaving us with 19 fit players .

It would’nt surprise me if some signings were announced at the forum to sweeten an evening with an air of potential negativity , someone did mention 3 new signings, how accurate that is is anyone’s guess , with Eden now gone that must mean we have found a suitable replacement otherwise the deal for edens departure wouldn’t have gone ahead , I have my suspicions who it is but I’m not gonna let the cat out of the bag , needless to say the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The other two, well like I’ve mentioned before I’m hoping it’s Francois hantz but that’s me possibly doing 2+2 =5 .
The other guy who’s trialling with us is a half so I don’t see the logic in that but to be quite honest there’s a lot of stuff that don’t make sense this season, ie McComb being ahead in the pecking order of Olly davies and hursey hord in the pack .

50/50 whether I can make the forum tonight as I’m on jury service.

There was mention of the possibility of it been streamed but not sure on that , probably charge us £ 57 each to try cover the rent arrears lol !

Says its on the youtube channel

Author:  Ilkley Fax [ Thu May 16, 2024 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

I like Inmans enthusiasm and at 21 he's obviously got time to develop his game - but this just seems to me to be a rushed and probably not too expensive way of desperately trying to lift the mood after so much recent negativity around results, departures and injuries. I can't believe the board would risk running tonights forum without some positive news for the fans, hopefully involving at least one new signing to replace Eden. I'd also feel a bit more reassured about the club going forward if a couple of our best players got contract extensions .
Ideal outcome for me - realistic update on return of Crookes and O'brien, contract extensions for Keyes and Jouffret , and Tee Ritson on loan for the season. Plus some honesty around the clubs financial position and the boards plans/ability to address any shortfall. Sometimes it's good to dream!

Author:  Greg Florimos Boots [ Thu May 16, 2024 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

I half expect a huge cover up tonight about the financial situation, ive heard different things about how bad it is so I actually think some honesty would be good at this point no matter how hard a pill it is to swallow. The BOD have to remember that every single word they say tonight will be picked apart and although Fax fans might brush things off, they can be certain that Town fans are going to be digging and anything they say that is not true about the previous BOD will be called out by them too. The rent issue will be interesting as a councillor has said that Fax have a payment plan set up but the FOI shows something like only 1 rent payment since Nov 22 which was the week before the Batley game and you have to feel that could have been a pay or don't play ultimatum.

For the older ones amongst us this season feels very much like the 1989/90 season the year after we were relegated from the top flight. Lots of promise and ended up ruined by injuries and rumors of financial worries. I remember a game away to Dewsbury and I think we were about 20 points up at half time and there was talk of the players having a protest and we lost the game by a decent score and didn't score a single point with the players not looking interested at all.

Author:  Listenup94 [ Thu May 16, 2024 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

One thing I’ve had confirmed during jury service is facts don’t care about feelings, the shaymen forum is the most uninformed unobjective source of material I have ever read and is laced with bitter vitriol spanning decades, every comment on there would be dismissed with rolled eyes such is the low iq b***s .

No doubt things aren’t perfect aren’t great but hoddie bubba and all is cronies are a pathetic bunch of gimps .

Author:  Tony Fax [ Thu May 16, 2024 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

Greg Florimos Boots wrote:I remember a game away to Dewsbury and I think we were about 20 points up at half time and there was talk of the players having a protest and we lost the game by a decent score and didn't score a single point with the players not looking interested at all.

If I remember rightly we were winning 16 nil at h/t and finished up losing 20-16, with the Crown Flat slope playing a part! But it was in the days where even 16 point leads were rarely over-turned so it was a sickener, and I think that put the final nail in our promotion hopes coffin.

I'll be interested to hear the BOD's take on the rent arrears. It just doesn't make sense that the club has continued to make some big name signings in O'Brien, Widdop and Eden but allowed the outstanding rent to build up to an unmanageable level.

Not only do I believe there'll be a perfectly reasonable explanation, but I can also envisage a couple of new signings being paraded! I live in hope!

Author:  faxcar [ Wed May 22, 2024 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

According to Gledhill Leon Ruan will be joining us from Rhinos.

Author:  Jemmo [ Wed May 22, 2024 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

I have also heard that, he played one game on loan at Doncaster earlier in the season

Author:  the fax in asia [ Wed May 22, 2024 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Squad 2024

Whilst I am Halifax RLFC follower and will be until either I or the club dies, and at this rate I will back myself to outlast Fax!
Yes like a few others, Singapore, and there was at least one from Aus that used to post on here, we don’t have to watch the dismal fare that is served up week after week at the present time like you guys. It hurts just the same, and I get ridiculed by fellow expats who follow SuperLeague teams and cannot believe the depths we have fallen to, granted they admit they have money men behind them, something we have not had for some time. I look at the names on the team sheet and wonder what the hell has gone wrong, like other have said our spine would be welcome at almost every other champ club. I have not yet listened to the fans forum but the consensus was nothing really positive came out that night, the board who promised a major forward push have gone quieter than All Souls church I used to attend, and has been shut for some 30 years. I asked previously on another thread about Finn losing the dressing room, is this the case? If so as I don’t see a way out, can’t afford to sack the coach, and he won’t walk (ala Grix) and have to play players who will pick up pay checks because there seems no other players out there. Is there anything in the rules to field 17 amateur guys in Halifax colours?, could hardly be worse.
Unfortunately I do not have the answer, that is what the board are supposed to do. Not looking forward to watching the York game on panthers TV, but I will just like you guys glutton for punishment. I just wish someone would tell the truth and lay it all out then a way forward might be seen.

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