johnny freeman fan club wrote:Seems to me that anytime anyone mentions a fair and level playing field for all we are called flat cappers well if that is the case I`m proud to be one thank you very much.
I aint that fussed really but its in the context that hacks me off as you say, as soon as we say anything that goes against the 'expansionist ideals' we get this thrown at us.
They forget that we are on about 'fairness' and comparing 'like for like' plus getting clubs like Celtic Crusaders rammed down our throats even when they are not that good!
The point being its not expanding the game I am against at all its the unfair advantage these clubs get and the abuse when you dare 'criticise' tham in any way at all, even if you are probably right.
Hey Ho.
Come the day of reckoning in 2011 we shall see won't we?????