Beaujangles wrote:Just to clarify,I was meaning the events of yesterday not just the draw..
The draw immediately takes two cups out of the equation.The first 3 league rounds comfirmed our continued absence from the top two.Round 4 confirmed an unlikely shot from third place isnt going to happen..there's no money for the players we need,but Grix is clueless in the forwards anyway,let's good ones go and deems two of his new signings as not been up to it bbefore round 1-which is scandalous..
The DR option(unwanted at best anyway) again was proved yesterday that the attracted players either are unfit,uninterested,no better or recalled......
It seems clear from what you are saying the clarification from a random cup draw turns out to be a rant against the implications of losing a league game , current league position, future league standing prospects, the club being skint, Grix being a clueless scandalous decision making coach, is that correct?
Let me further clarify something on DR and the miss information / miss interpretation surrounding it.
The DR option
absolutely is unwanted but your understanding that
it should be used to attract the best players is in direct contradiction to what it was actually intended to do.
In this weeks RL Express Martyn Sadler accused Halifax of quote:
"clearly exploiting the DR rules by including the two established SL players from Cas stating that it was further quote: "supposed to be that younger players who were not yet able to force their way into the matchday 17 at their senior club could be given a chance to get some game time with the partnership club. The rule was surely never brought in with the idea of allowing such experienced players as Fonua and Matagi to be effectively loaned out to a Championship Club to allow it to strengthen its squad against an opponent who would be a potential play-off rivals." End quotes.
Martyn Sadlers explanation of the intended purpose of DR mirror the intended goals of several selfish SL clubs led by Ian Lenaghan to turn the Championship and Champ 1 clubs into feeder leagues who would bring on and develope the SL clubs young prospects and then just take back the better ones for themselves as Leeds did with several at Fev.
As MS unwittingly reveals above it's Ian Lenaghan & Co's intentions just to use the rest of rugby league as a supply line that disqualifies it in the first place for me.
Things have moved on and away somewhat from those early days and I can't be bothered to go into all the in's and outs but it basically comes down to what each of the clubs involved doing what they want, with it or without it and points to a lack of leadership from the RFL.