
Tears for Tiers
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Author:  The Devil's Advocate [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Tears for Tiers

So, it’s looking highly likely our super-competent Government are bringing in a three tier alert system.

What’s the betting that most of the North will be in Level 3 (the highest) by Christmas?

I can almost hear the howls of despair when those down south can carry on with their festivities, whilst Boris’s new converts will have to make do with some tinny’s from A.S.D.A.

What sweet irony it will be, when all the deluded fools who put this incompetent bunch into power now have to face the consequences of their actions.

Vote Brexit - Get Shafted.

Author:  wrencat1873 [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tears for Tiers

The Devil's Advocate wrote:So, it’s looking highly likely our super-competent Government are bringing in a three tier alert system.

What’s the betting that most of the North will be in Level 3 (the highest) by Christmas?

I can almost hear the howls of despair when those down south can carry on with their festivities, whilst Boris’s new converts will have to make do with some tinny’s from A.S.D.A.

What sweet irony it will be, when all the deluded fools who put this incompetent bunch into power now have to face the consequences of their actions.

Vote Brexit - Get Shafted.

It's strange that most of the areas most affected are the last bastions of Labour held constituencies and for a simple guy like me, it's baffling that London has escaped any spike in cases.
Mind you, knowing the scepticism and distain for some of the measures that have been imposed and the willingness of people to please themselves, it's no wonder that the numbers of positive tests has risen dramatically.
Also, with the numbers tested being increased there has to be an increase in the numbers of those testing positive, apart from those living in London :shock:

Author:  Durham Giant [ Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tears for Tiers

I live in co Durham 33 cases per 100k (9/10). In lockdown and soon to banned from travelling

In my local area of Durham. The rate for the last 6 weeks has been 0.2 to 2 cases per week.

Hillingdon. Boris constituency. 81 per. 100k. No lockdown

South staffs gavin Williamson 92 per 100k. No lockdown

Newark and north Notts. Robert Jenrick. 192 per 100k. No lockdown

Anyone see a pattern ?

I have learnt my lesson from Cummings. love the rules I am doing what I want

Author:  wrencat1873 [ Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tears for Tiers

Durham Giant wrote:I live in co Durham 33 cases per 100k (9/10). In lockdown and soon to banned from travelling

In my local area of Durham. The rate for the last 6 weeks has been 0.2 to 2 cases per week.

Hillingdon. Boris constituency. 81 per. 100k. No lockdown

South staffs gavin Williamson 92 per 100k. No lockdown

Newark and north Notts. Robert Jenrick. 192 per 100k. No lockdown

Anyone see a pattern ?

I have learnt my lesson from Cummings. love the rules I am doing what I want

Trust in the current government (on anything) would be a brave/foolish idea.

Author:  The Devil's Advocate [ Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tears for Tiers

It looks like that London country will be joining the North in tier 2, probably only for a short period, before we go into tier 3.

I can't wait for next year, at least we can stop them pesky foreigners coming over here, bringing their disease's & pinching our jobs.

Author:  wrencat1873 [ Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tears for Tiers

The Devil's Advocate wrote:It looks like that London country will be joining the North in tier 2, probably only for a short period, before we go into tier 3.

I can't wait for next year, at least we can stop them pesky foreigners coming over here, bringing their disease's & pinching our jobs.

Has anyone rung Noel Edmunds and asked him to bring the very last red box with him.
Cue dramatic music and Boris being asked the question.
They could even stencil "oven ready" on each side of the box


The ad break would be a killer.

Author:  Egg Chasing [ Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tears for Tiers

Durham Giant wrote:I have learnt my lesson from Cummings. love the rules I am doing what I want

That's the problem, nobody cares because of that incident.

Personally, I don't see how going to see my parents isn't safe unless I meet them in a pub that serves food. You either lockdown or you don't, and you need law enforcement to be able to crack down on those that break the rules.

Author:  Steph Curry [ Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tears for Tiers

Could be worse. Labour could be in charge!

Author:  wrencat1873 [ Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tears for Tiers

Steph Curry wrote:Could be worse. Labour could be in charge!

A Starmer led Labour government wouldn't be worse than Boris & Co.
In fact, Dolly the sheep with her cloned self would do better than the current clown government.

You do remember Boris urging everyone to go beck to their place of work while, at the same time, trying to get the schools back open.
It's more like the Hokey Cokey than anything resembling decent leadership and their spending is both ill thought out and out of control and that's all before Brexit kicks in.

Yes, your right, better than Labour :CRAZY:

Author:  Dally [ Wed Oct 21, 2020 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tears for Tiers

Are all you looking forward to your Tier 3’s up their in the North?

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