
As I said...
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Author:  IR80 [ Thu Dec 12, 2019 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  As I said...

Conservative win, Cringebin out of a job and, thankfully, socialism consigned to the bin.

Happy New Year!

thank fook.

Author:  The Ghost of '99 [ Fri Dec 13, 2019 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: As I said...

Be careful what you wish for kiddo.

Author:  IR80 [ Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: As I said...

The Ghost of '99 wrote:Be careful what you wish for kiddo.

I am getting what I wish for, cretins like you and soggypuss being shown that democracy works. I was a remainer, but I accepted we voted leave, I never wanted a terrorist sympathiser in charge, or cabinet members that cannot count. MY country wakes up with the best solution, but you will keep bleating I am sure. Socialism has been voted down, again.

Happy days ahead, I am sure you'll clear off before Sunday.

Author:  IR80 [ Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: As I said...

The Ghost of '99 wrote:Be careful what you wish for kiddo.

I am getting what I wish for, cretins like you and soggypuss being shown that democracy works. I was a remainer, but I accepted we voted leave, I never wanted a terrorist sympathiser in charge, or cabinet members that cannot count. MY country wakes up with the best solution, but you will keep bleating I am sure. Socialism has been voted down, again.

Happy days ahead, I am sure you'll clear off before Sunday.

Author:  IR80 [ Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: As I said...

The Ghost of '99 wrote:Be careful what you wish for kiddo.

I am getting what I wish for, cretins like you and soggypuss being shown that democracy works. I was a remainer, but I accepted we voted leave, I never wanted a terrorist sympathiser in charge, or cabinet members that cannot count. MY country wakes up with the best solution, but you will keep bleating I am sure. Socialism has been voted down, again.

Happy days ahead, I am sure you'll clear off before Sunday.

Author:  AXE2GRIND [ Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: As I said...

IR80 wrote:I am getting what I wish for, cretins like you and soggypuss being shown that democracy works. I was a remainer, but I accepted we voted leave, I never wanted a terrorist sympathiser in charge, or cabinet members that cannot count. MY country wakes up with the best solution, but you will keep bleating I am sure. Socialism has been voted down, again.

Happy days ahead, I am sure you'll clear off before Sunday.

IR80 wrote:I am getting what I wish for, cretins like you and soggypuss being shown that democracy works. I was a remainer, but I accepted we voted leave, I never wanted a terrorist sympathiser in charge, or cabinet members that cannot count. MY country wakes up with the best solution, but you will keep bleating I am sure. Socialism has been voted down, again.

Happy days ahead, I am sure you'll clear off before Sunday.

IR80 wrote:I am getting what I wish for, cretins like you and soggypuss being shown that democracy works. I was a remainer, but I accepted we voted leave, I never wanted a terrorist sympathiser in charge, or cabinet members that cannot count. MY country wakes up with the best solution, but you will keep bleating I am sure. Socialism has been voted down, again.

Happy days ahead, I am sure you'll clear off before Sunday.

jeez....that's some stutter you have there kid..... :CRAZY:

Author:  ColD [ Fri Dec 13, 2019 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: As I said...

IR80 wrote:Conservative win, Cringebin out of a job and, thankfully, socialism consigned to the bin.

Happy New Year!

thank fook.

Even as a conservative voter myself, I wouldn’t get to blasé over this - it’s more how poor everyone else was rather than anything positive from the blue side

Author:  Cokey [ Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: As I said...

ColD wrote:Even as a conservative voter myself, I wouldn’t get to blasé over this - it’s more how poor everyone else was rather than anything positive from the blue side


Author:  IR80 [ Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: As I said...

AXE2GRIND wrote:jeez....that's some stutter you have there kid..... :CRAZY:

apologies for the duplicate posts, no idea why why they happened, possibly the site refreshing with adverts every two seconds.

Author:  IR80 [ Fri Dec 13, 2019 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: As I said...

it is quite telling how wrencat etc have disappeared now.. laughing with my big blue rosette on!

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