
Donald Trump climate change denier
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Author:  wrencat1873 [ Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Donald Trump climate change denier

THere is so much to say about "The Donald" but, does he really believe that he is right and the rest of the world are wrong.

Climate change could be the one thing that finally makes us all equal, when we have burned enough of the planets resources, that, even money wont be able to save us.
Stephen Hawking has given the planet only just over 100 years but, Mr Trump believes that it's more important to save a few jobs at home rather than preserve the Earth for future generations.

The capitalist world makes consumption a badge of honour but, when the Chinese realise that something needs to be done, perhaps we should think about things.

You could say that Trump is right to put his country, America, first and perhaps that is a good sentiment.
However, if ever there was a reason for abolishing the fixed term in office, this is it.

Author:  Ajw71 [ Fri Jun 02, 2017 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Donald Trump climate change denier

Climate change is over hyped.

Author:  TheButcher [ Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Donald Trump climate change denier

Man-made climate change is a fact. The science is in and can't be denied, apart from those with a vested interest in the coal and oil industries. I'm not sure why the average joe in the street would choose to ignore the facts in favour of denial or pseudo-science. I suppose why people choose to believe anything regardless of facts is a whole other topic. Climate change deniers that do not have a vested interest are in the same category as Anti-Vaccine, Anti-science, flat earthers, GMO is bad, and religious nutters.

Even if climate change deniers had a valid verifiable point (They don't) what is the worst that could happen? We'd be cleaning-up the atmosphere and seas and allowing the kids of the future to inherit a healthy planet. Sounds terrible eh?

Author:  Dally [ Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Donald Trump climate change denier

Ajw71 wrote:Climate change is over hyped.

I disagree. It is vastly 'under-hyped.' I have not seen any mainstream commentary that remotely puts into perspective how bad things are and his short the time frames before likely disaster are. Even the environmental lobby and their ideas are just urinating in the breeze,

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