
Pension advice
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Author:  Durham Giant [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Pension advice

Following on from my IR35 thread I need to get some pension advice.If I go with an umbrella company I am regarded as n employee.

This means I will be automatically enrolled into a pension.

( the fact I have to pay my contributions as well as the employers is a separate point).

My question is.

Can I opt out and not pay into ny pension at all :?:

I do not want a pension. They are a waste of time and pointless.

My retirement age is 67 both my parents died age 60.

I don't want to waste money paying into a pension I might never get.

If I cannot opt out of a pension. Is there any way around it.

Could I get an endowment or something similar that pays out when I am 67 or before if I die as an alternative.

ANy help greatly appreciated.

Author:  PCollinson1990 [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pension advice

I am in the same position.

Author:  Dally [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pension advice

You can opt out of an auto enrolled scheme but it needs setting up first and the paperwork completing.

Author:  Lebron James [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pension advice

Yes you can opt out. Just inform your employer in writing and then check no deductions are made


King James

Author:  PCollinson1990 [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pension advice

If you are the employer (even of just yourself) you can't opt out, the Workplace Pension changed all the rules.

Author:  bren2k [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pension advice

PCollinson1990 wrote:If you are the employer (even of just yourself) you can't opt out, the Workplace Pension changed all the rules.

Yes you can - and no it didn't; once the auto enrolment pension scheme has been set up and you're opted in - you can opt out by following the advice given by previous posters.

To the OP - I'd suggest that this kind of response is exactly why you should get your financial advice from a qualified independent FA, rather than a RL forum?

Author:  PCollinson1990 [ Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pension advice

bren2k wrote:Yes you can - and no it didn't; once the auto enrolment pension scheme has been set up and you're opted in - you can opt out by following the advice given by previous posters.

To the OP - I'd suggest that this kind of response is exactly why you should get your financial advice from a qualified independent FA, rather than a RL forum?

Agree with advice about going to a professional, seems complicated from the high level Government documents.

bren2k wrote:Yes you can - and no it didn't; once the auto enrolment pension scheme has been set up and you're opted in - you can opt out by following the advice given by previous posters.

To the OP - I'd suggest that this kind of response is exactly why you should get your financial advice from a qualified independent FA, rather than a RL forum?

Agree with advice about going to a professional, seems complicated from the high level Government documents.


Author:  wire-quin [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pension advice

Quote:I do not want a pension. They are a waste of time and pointless.

My retirement age is 67 both my parents died age 60.

I don't want to waste money paying into a pension I might never get.

What time is wasted with a pension? Surely a tax efficient saving scheme that you can access 25% of at 55 isn't pointless. Or maybe it is...

People live longer these days, 60 is way below the current average mortality rate in UK.

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