
Castro gone
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Author:  Exiled down south [ Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Castro gone

Surprisingly quiet given the number of Marxists that regularly post on here.

Maybe waiting until the 9 days mourning/celebration are up.

Good riddance you murdering, hypocritical, tyrant. Cuba can now prosper and the people are free to enjoy life.

Author:  The Devil's Advocate [ Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Castro gone

Exiled down south wrote:Surprisingly quiet given the number of Marxists that regularly post on here.

Maybe waiting until the 9 days mourning/celebration are up.

Good riddance you murdering, hypocritical, tyrant. Cuba can now prosper and the people are free to enjoy life.

Yep, it's all going to be plain sailing from here.

I'm still gutted him & that beret wearing Argentinian overthrew that nice Batista fella.

Author:  GUBRATS [ Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Castro gone

The Devil's Advocate wrote:Yep, it's all going to be plain sailing from here.

I'm still gutted him & that beret wearing Argentinian overthrew that nice Batista fella.

Didn't know he did WWE as well :wink:

Author:  DGM [ Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Castro gone

Exiled down south wrote:Surprisingly quiet given the number of Marxists that regularly post on here.

Maybe waiting until the 9 days mourning/celebration are up.

Good riddance you murdering, hypocritical, tyrant. Cuba can now prosper and the people are free to enjoy life.

Using someone's death to try and stoke up an argument on an internet forum is a little bit pathetic.

Author:  Bent&Bongser [ Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Castro gone

DGM wrote:Using someone's death to try and stoke up an argument on an internet forum is a little bit pathetic.

With you DGM

There is only one man in this world that I truly hate, having been badly betrayed by him. Were he to die, I wouldn't mourn him, but neither would I rejoice in his death - I might take another glass to celebrate that I had been ridded of the horrors of hatred, though.

Nothing is black and white (save Widnes, Hull FC and, for the Exile, Broncos et al). When an absolute ruler (good or bad - and the jury's out on Castro), anywhere in the world, goes after many years (yes, I know his hermano was nominally in charge), the power vacuum is a dangerous thing. What happened after Tito's dictatorship ended? Civil war and pogroms. Ceausescu was bulletted into a wall soon after the revolution. I recall saying to my father (RIP) that that was not a good start for a "liberated country", more a statement of intent by the new rulers.

Saddam was an absolute b@st@rd but did his country improve after he was hanged (to iterate the point of my second paragraph, whilst lots of people spoke of seeing it, I had no desire to see the footage of the hanging)?

No one's death should be a source of joy or celebration, relief I'll accept.

I'll differ on this one, Exile

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