
New Laptop / Computer
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Author:  Durham Giant [ Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  New Laptop / Computer

Not been much of a teccie wonder if anyone has any recommendations on a new laptop.

I was wanting to spend about £5 to £600.

My requirements really are

Easy to use. Main use will be surfing the internet, playing youtube etc. Need word document and the ability to print ( so will need a printer as well as scan ). The kids will need to use it for homework and they like playing stuff like Terraria and Minecraft.

Need to store pictures on it ( holiday stuff etc).

Not sure what else but any advice welcomed.

Author:  Standee [ Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Laptop / Computer

Durham Giant wrote:Not been much of a teccie wonder if anyone has any recommendations on a new laptop.

I was wanting to spend about £5 to £600.

My requirements really are

Easy to use. Main use will be surfing the internet, playing youtube etc. Need word document and the ability to print ( so will need a printer as well as scan ). The kids will need to use it for homework and they like playing stuff like Terraria and Minecraft.

Need to store pictures on it ( holiday stuff etc).

Not sure what else but any advice welcomed.

better off here sir
Durham Giant wrote:Not been much of a teccie wonder if anyone has any recommendations on a new laptop.

I was wanting to spend about £5 to £600.

My requirements really are

Easy to use. Main use will be surfing the internet, playing youtube etc. Need word document and the ability to print ( so will need a printer as well as scan ). The kids will need to use it for homework and they like playing stuff like Terraria and Minecraft.

Need to store pictures on it ( holiday stuff etc).

Not sure what else but any advice welcomed.

better off here sir

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