
Drugs, prisons and the US, have they finally seen sense?
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Author:  cod'ead [ Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Drugs, prisons and the US, have they finally seen sense?

Ater decades of waging the "War on Drugs", it looks like the US has finally woken up to the fact that the solution is not to build ever more (usually private) prisons to warehouse the miscreants.


It's proved an expensive waste of money and physical resource. I doubt there's little to zero chance that the enlightened individuals in the cabinet will be following suit anytime soon
Ater decades of waging the "War on Drugs", it looks like the US has finally woken up to the fact that the solution is not to build ever more (usually private) prisons to warehouse the miscreants.


It's proved an expensive waste of money and physical resource. I doubt there's little to zero chance that the enlightened individuals in the cabinet will be following suit anytime soon

Author:  Dally [ Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drugs, prisons and the US, have they finally seen sense?

cod'ead wrote:Ater decades of waging the "War on Drugs", it looks like the US has finally woken up to the fact that the solution is not to build ever more (usually private) prisons to warehouse the miscreants.


It's proved an expensive waste of money and physical resource. I doubt there's little to zero chance that the enlightened individuals in the cabinet will be following suit anytime soon

Looks to me like the middle of the end for the once great US of A.
cod'ead wrote:Ater decades of waging the "War on Drugs", it looks like the US has finally woken up to the fact that the solution is not to build ever more (usually private) prisons to warehouse the miscreants.


It's proved an expensive waste of money and physical resource. I doubt there's little to zero chance that the enlightened individuals in the cabinet will be following suit anytime soon

Looks to me like the middle of the end for the once great US of A.

Author:  Miro [ Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Drugs, prisons and the US, have they finally seen sense?

Reading further down the article this may be a bit of a red herring. Plus, I understood with US prisons being private it's good business to lock people up over there. Taxpayer pays, corporate companies win.
All assuming the "war on drugs" wasn't a CIA plot in the first place.

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