The Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) was told to suspend its childrens congenital heart surgery department yesterday after an unannounced visit from a very high ranking NHS official and the presentation of some mortality data to the Care Quality Commission - would of course normally be a high profile story in its own right, but for what happened 24 hours earlier... when a Joint Committee of NHS Primary Care Trusts (JCPCT) (who last year made the decision to close the LGI congenital heart surgery department in favour of expanding the services in Newcastle) was told by a High Court judge that their decision and process was "unfair and legally flawed".
This in itself was also a high profile story in its own right and it kicked off one hell of a bunfight in the media with the chair of the JCPCT panel Sir Neil McKay coming in for a real old kicking in the local media and from our local Leeds MPs, particularly as the High Court judge found absolutely in the hospitals favour and called McKays hugely expensive review and decision making "ill judged and failed to make all relevant information available to the consultants", in other words she suggested that the evidence had been rigged in favour of a predetermined outcome, local MP Greg Mulholland went further in suggesting that important statistics which supported the LGI unit had been withheld from the review committee.
McKay has given interviews in local media in which he still remains convinced that he is right and points out that the judgement has changed nothing but that they'll have to re-review the whole process again, it seem that he is in no mind to admit that he was wrong and that this time he'll just jump through the hoops and make the same decision again - he's been heavily criticised by local MPs Greg Mulholland, Fabian Hamilton and Stuart Andrew.
Throughout the review and decision making process Stuart Andrew led a cross-party campaign to save the LGI unit and stated today that they asked the question to the review committee several times whether or not the unit was "safe" and that they were told on each occasion that yes it was and there were no concerns over its safety, he has asked for an urgent meeting to discover the source of the data which has led to the sudden closure of the unit and asked why this data was not made available at the initial review or at the High court hearing.
Greg Mulholland on local radio today went further and has called the committee biased and having a lack of objectivity, said that the review committee was scandalous and "should consider its position" and said that the timing of the NHS flying visit by Sir Bruce Keogh (Medical director of the NHS) was cynically made at a time when parliament was closed for Easter and thus preventing MP's from questioning him and his review committee, he pulled no punches in an interview just a few minutes ago and its obvious that all of the local MPs regardless of party are chomping at the bit to have a go at Sire Bruce and Sir Neil
So folks, thats how politics works - if you take a "Sir" to court and gain a judgement to have his very long and very expensive review and closure policy overturned and called illegal, if you embarrass him in the media to the extent where he looks a buffoon, then expect him to call in his mates and produce previously withheld data to justify a closure anyway.
This one will run and run, pull up a chair and fetch the popcorn...