
Is "Socialist" an insult now?
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Author:  Chris28 [ Wed May 23, 2012 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Is "Socialist" an insult now?

A capitalist seems to think so

but then again, to paraphrase "I think it is very odd that a venture capitalist has been put in charge of employment law review and yet appears to want to do very little to support employees."
A capitalist seems to think so

but then again, to paraphrase "I think it is very odd that a venture capitalist has been put in charge of employment law review and yet appears to want to do very little to support employees."

Author:  John_D [ Wed May 23, 2012 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is "Socialist" an insult now?

Not to me it ain't, but I can think of a few for Beecroft

Author:  Mintball [ Wed May 23, 2012 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is "Socialist" an insult now?

Apparently, make a donation to the Tory Party of £500,000 and you get to write policy.

Some of his original ideas were so extremist that even Cameron and co tried to quietly ditch them.

For instance, apparently there are so many people who would like to be able to employ children, but don't because of the regulations, that it would boost the economy to scrap the regulations on child labour.

You have to wonder what these jobs are. Couldn't adults do them? Are there going to be a plethora of productions of Annie – one on every street, just like Tesco?

Mind, this is an individual who makes a load of money as a glorified loan shark, so one can hardly expect him to have much in the way of human decency.

He has, however, explained to the Wail that he in the political middle. So while he may know a lot about exploiting the poor, he clearly knows nothing about politics.

Author:  El Barbudo [ Wed May 23, 2012 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is "Socialist" an insult now?

It seems to me that his reasoning (if you can term it as such) is "I am a businessman, therefore I want carte blanche to do whatever I like to make more money for me, anyone who disagrees with that is an ungrateful commie pinko"

Author:  John_D [ Wed May 23, 2012 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is "Socialist" an insult now?

Mintball wrote:Some of his original ideas were so extremist that even Cameron and co tried to quietly ditch them.

They were even a bit too blue-sky for Steve Hilton

Author:  Sandro II Terrorista [ Wed May 23, 2012 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is "Socialist" an insult now?

Anyone got any spare kids?

I'm just starting up a chimney sweeping business.

Author:  Dally [ Wed May 23, 2012 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is "Socialist" an insult now?

Chris28 wrote:A capitalist seems to think so

but then again, to paraphrase "I think it is very odd that a venture capitalist has been put in charge of employment law review and yet appears to want to do very little to support employees."

Well, if you or especially the Labour Party could explain what a Socialist is, and what the practical ramifications of his philosophy are, then perhaps we could opine as to whether the term is insulting or not.
Chris28 wrote:A capitalist seems to think so

but then again, to paraphrase "I think it is very odd that a venture capitalist has been put in charge of employment law review and yet appears to want to do very little to support employees."

Well, if you or especially the Labour Party could explain what a Socialist is, and what the practical ramifications of his philosophy are, then perhaps we could opine as to whether the term is insulting or not.

Author:  Mintball [ Wed May 23, 2012 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is "Socialist" an insult now?

John_D wrote:They were even a bit too blue-sky for Steve Hilton

Hinton's stuff laughed at and viewed as extreme.

Steve Hinton takes sabbatical.

Adrian Beecroft produces even more extreme proposals.

Adrian Beecroft triggers shock etc.

Steve Hinton returns from his year-long sabbatical and his proposals no longer seem so extreme when measured alongside those of Adrian Beecroft?

Author:  Chris28 [ Wed May 23, 2012 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is "Socialist" an insult now?

Dally wrote:Well, if you or especially the Labour Party could explain what a Socialist is, and what the practical ramifications of his philosophy are, then perhaps we could opine as to whether the term is insulting or not.

Maybe Mr Beecroft could oblige if he has a moment - he used the term.

Author:  John_D [ Wed May 23, 2012 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is "Socialist" an insult now?

Mintball wrote:Hinton's stuff laughed at and viewed as extreme.

Steve Hinton takes sabbatical.

Adrian Beecroft produces even more extreme proposals.

Adrian Beecroft triggers shock etc.

Steve Hinton returns from his year-long sabbatical and his proposals no longer seem so extreme when measured alongside those of Adrian Beecroft?

Oh good lord, that's a terrible vision of our dystopian future...

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