
All animals are equal...
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Author:  Rooster Booster [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  All animals are equal...

but some animals are more equal than others.


"Human rights do not prescribe national suicide," Judge Asher Grunis wrote in the judgement.

Why can't people try and get on?
but some animals are more equal than others.


"Human rights do not prescribe national suicide," Judge Asher Grunis wrote in the judgement.

Why can't people try and get on?

Author:  cod'ead [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All animals are equal...

Ask Hitler, the Israeli's seem to have learned well

Author:  Wire Yed [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All animals are equal...

Wasn't Hitlers original gripe with the Jewish the fact that they were insular?

Author:  BrisbaneRhino [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All animals are equal...

No, Hitler's gripe was that he thought the Jews were responsible for the loss of WW1 by 'weakening' Germany at home, and also that they were behind all morally bad behaviour in the country. Basically a completely insane reading of his own country's history and society, which was sadly all-too-common for a lot of people in Europe at the time.

codead - suggesting Israel's behaviour to Palestinians is similar to Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews is pathetic BTW - and sadly all too frequent.

The Holocaust was a systematic attempt to wipe a race of people out, accompanied by the most depraved acts of sustained violence against defenceless civilians on a massive scale. The Israeli treatment of Palestinians is at times dreadful, but even at its worse is nowhere near as bad.

Have a read of The Holocaust by Martin Gilbert, then remember that survivors from those most dreadful of times went on to form and build Israel. Daily deportations, murder and atrocities over several years. This happened to real people within living memory.

You may even find that whilst you may not agree with their aggression towards the Arab world and their treatment of the Palestinians, if you were in their position you might do exactly the same in defence of your people.

If you do read that book BTW, I'd suggest Gilbert's 'The Righteous' as an antidote. Still full of horrific stories, but a record of some of the amazing people who tried to save/help Jews when doing so could - and often did - lead to their own death.

Author:  adelaide-giant.no9 [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All animals are equal...

any idea where to buy the above 2 books at a reasonable price.. roughly 40 bucks each on ebay

Author:  Mintball [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All animals are equal...

BrisbaneRhino wrote:... Daily deportations, murder and atrocities over several years. This happened to real people within living memory...

Well. Yes.

What about biological warfare and other acts of terrorism? Ethnic cleansing? Mass imprisonment? Collective punishments?

Since you're recommending books, you could try this or this or this or this.

You may wish to note the ethnicity/nationality of the authors of the titles linked to.
BrisbaneRhino wrote:... Daily deportations, murder and atrocities over several years. This happened to real people within living memory...

Well. Yes.

What about biological warfare and other acts of terrorism? Ethnic cleansing? Mass imprisonment? Collective punishments?

Since you're recommending books, you could try this or this or this or this.

You may wish to note the ethnicity/nationality of the authors of the titles linked to.

Author:  Hillbilly_Red [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All animals are equal...

Before this becomes the very heated pro/anti Palestinioan/Israeli debate, please note that the article states that spouses will not be allowed citizenship if the marry an Israeli citizen. We cannot throw stones: a similar law exists here for spouses of the Indian sub-continent.

Author:  Ferocious Aardvark [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All animals are equal...

Hillbilly_Red wrote:...a similar law exists here for spouses of the Indian sub-continent.

An early contender for BBPOTY. (Biggest Bollox Post of the Year)

Author:  El Barbudo [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All animals are equal...

BrisbaneRhino wrote: ... suggesting Israel's behaviour to Palestinians is similar to Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews is pathetic BTW - and sadly all too frequent...

I wouldn't say it's similar but it does have a hint of the same flavour.

For Sudetenland read West Bank, where Israeli settlements (illegal in International law) are springing up like mushrooms.
In Area C of the West Bank, Israelis now outnumber Palestinians by more than two-to-one.
For "settlements" read "invasion", these are not people in covered wagons discovering a "new" land, they are protected by Israeli troops who have no problem in shooting any Palrestinian who demonstrates.
These "settlements" are not just a slight leakage over the border, they are right across the West Bank.
Yet, despite this spread, Israel still says that is willing to negotiate about withdrawing back to the 1967 boundaires ... yeah, right, anyone who actually believes that must be utterly deluded.

Meanwhile, over in Gaza, Gazans are still subjected to Israel's rules about what they can and can't import and export, right down to essentials such as oil for cooking oil and cement to rebuild homes. These could be used for military purposes, according to the Israeli government.

The only conclusion one can draw is that Israel is determined, in the long run, to eliminate Palestine.
And still our governments look away, to their eternal shame.

Author:  El Barbudo [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: All animals are equal...

Hillbilly_Red wrote:Before this becomes the very heated pro/anti Palestinioan/Israeli debate, please note that the article states that spouses will not be allowed citizenship if the marry an Israeli citizen. We cannot throw stones: a similar law exists here for spouses of the Indian sub-continent.

Utter rubbish.
There are tests to be passed to determine whether the marriage is a genuine one but there is no ban on citizenship for spouses.

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