
Oven problems - please help !
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Author:  sanjunien [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Oven problems - please help !

I wonder if anyone can help

we have an oven (Ariston) which is built in to the kitchen units - the oven and all the other functions ie grill etc work as normal but when the oven has been used and is switched off it comes on and goes off intermittently until it has cooled down sufficiently
So when it's OFF it will click ON for a few seconds then go OFF again and will probably do this for about fifteen minutes until the oven has cooled down enough.
Any ideas on what the problem may be ?

Thermostat maybe ? or maybe something needs cleaning like a sensor etc ?


Author:  El Barbudo [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oven problems - please help !

sanjunien wrote:I wonder if anyone can help

we have an oven (Ariston) which is built in to the kitchen units - the oven and all the other functions ie grill etc work as normal but when the oven has been used and is switched off it comes on and goes off intermittently until it has cooled down sufficiently
So when it's OFF it will click ON for a few seconds then go OFF again and will probably do this for about fifteen minutes until the oven has cooled down enough.
Any ideas on what the problem may be ?

Thermostat maybe ? or maybe something needs cleaning like a sensor etc ?


Is it really coming on again (i.e. heating up) or is it just the fan ?
Our Smeg keeps the fan going for quite some minutes after the oven has been switched off, until it has cooled down.

Author:  sanjunien [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oven problems - please help !

El Barbudo wrote:
sanjunien wrote:I wonder if anyone can help

we have an oven (Ariston) which is built in to the kitchen units - the oven and all the other functions ie grill etc work as normal but when the oven has been used and is switched off it comes on and goes off intermittently until it has cooled down sufficiently
So when it's OFF it will click ON for a few seconds then go OFF again and will probably do this for about fifteen minutes until the oven has cooled down enough.
Any ideas on what the problem may be ?

Thermostat maybe ? or maybe something needs cleaning like a sensor etc ?


Is it really coming on again (i.e. heating up) or is it just the fan ?
Our Smeg keeps the fan going for quite some minutes after the oven has been switched off, until it has cooled down.

sounds just like the fan coming back on - the oven is five years old and has only started doing this over the past few weeks - just wondered if it was a sensor for the thermostat or something relatively simple rather than having to call in a technician (€€€€€€€s etc)

Author:  Rock God X [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oven problems - please help !

sanjunien wrote:sounds just like the fan coming back on - the oven is five years old and has only started doing this over the past few weeks - just wondered if it was a sensor for the thermostat or something relatively simple rather than having to call in a technician (€€€€€€€s etc)

I'm sure there are plenty of British tradesmen round your way who'll do you a nice cheap, tax-free job.

Author:  McLaren_Field [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oven problems - please help !

Likewise our Whirlpool fan oven keeps the fan running for up to 15 mins after its switched off, always has done.

Author:  sanjunien [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oven problems - please help !

Rock God X wrote:
sanjunien wrote:sounds just like the fan coming back on - the oven is five years old and has only started doing this over the past few weeks - just wondered if it was a sensor for the thermostat or something relatively simple rather than having to call in a technician (€€€€€€€s etc)

I'm sure there are plenty of British tradesmen round your way who'll do you a nice cheap, tax-free job.

actually,there are two really good 'legit',(one is a good mate) english sparkies nearby who might help out as well as the french tradesmen but the cowboys (of all nationalities) are well known so I won't be contacting them even if it will save me money in the short term....there are no guarantees plus of course it's not much use trying to get them back if they are in the nick or have been deported...

thanks for your concern but any useful suggestions would be welcome ...

Author:  Rock God X [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oven problems - please help !

sanjunien wrote:actually,there are two really good 'legit',(one is a good mate) english sparkies nearby who might help out as well as the french tradesmen but the cowboys (of all nationalities) are well known so I won't be contacting them even if it will save me money in the short term....there are no guarantees plus of course it's not much use trying to get them back if they are in the nick or have been deported...

thanks for your concern but any useful suggestions would be welcome ...

Okay. Stop being such a tightarse and call your 'good mate' in.

Author:  Ferocious Aardvark [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oven problems - please help !

You have a ghost. It is most likely the spirit of a 19th century cook, who has no clue how these new fangled ranges work, hence the confusion.

Author:  sanjunien [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oven problems - please help !

Rock God X wrote:
sanjunien wrote:actually,there are two really good 'legit',(one is a good mate) english sparkies nearby who might help out as well as the french tradesmen but the cowboys (of all nationalities) are well known so I won't be contacting them even if it will save me money in the short term....there are no guarantees plus of course it's not much use trying to get them back if they are in the nick or have been deported...

thanks for your concern but any useful suggestions would be welcome ...

Okay. Stop being such a tightarse and call your 'good mate' in.

yeh,he'll do it for a couple of bottles of red plus the spare parts charges :lol: :CHEERS:

knowing my luck recently it will probably require a new module costing about £4 million so it will be cheaper to buy a new machine....

Author:  sanjunien [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oven problems - please help !

McLaren_Field wrote:Likewise our Whirlpool fan oven keeps the fan running for up to 15 mins after its switched off, always has done.

that's an idea,I can tell any prospective house buyers that it's normal for the oven to do this so i'm covered...plus I can save some dosh and pass the problem on to the new owners.. :D

thanks for the tip :CLAP:

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